ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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What I wish my son’s teachers knew about ADHD

As I parent, I wish my son’s teachers were more familiar with a few things about ADHD so that they could better support him. There is a lot of research showing that ADHD is real. It is a brain-based disorder affecting behaviors such as planning, attention, self-regulation, working memory, and processing information. It causes problems with academic performance and social interactions making a school environment a challenge for students with ADHD.

My son has a treatment plan. Medication is one part of it. It allows him to work more effectively. We constantly monitor his medication, and teacher observations and feedback are important when we are attending check-ups with his doctor. However, medication is not a cure. He needs to be taught skills and strategies to succeed. You can help by giving explicit instructions and dividing assignments into smaller steps. Socially, you can teach and reinforce good listening skills and provide positive feedback to reinforce appropriate behavior.

I work in partnership with all of my son’s teachers. I hope they know what a huge role they play in his life and how much their support means to us.