ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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Video Gallery: 2017 Contest

Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2017
ADHD Awareness Month Video Contest.

Here's Alan Brown from ADD Crusher to share exciting news about the ADHD Awareness Month video contest and his best procrastination-crushing tip to get started.Here’s Rick Green from TotallyADD with great information and surprising facts about ADHD for ADHD Awareness Month.

Be warned: Rick is funny.

Check out all the videos submitted last year

View videos by Children | By Adults |  By Professionals

By Children

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

Eight year old Giuliana gives a glimpse into her life with ADHD and many of the challenges and frustrations that come with it.

Honorable Mention

A tip for parents: Practice the Attention Stance

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

After thousands of takes to get a perfect video from my kids, Robbie 11 & Arika 10, I realized the bloopers were actually a better explanation of ADHD

By Adults

Honorable Mention

This video is us — the ADD Couple — sharing one of our favorite tips that has helped make our life a little easier and our goals more achievable.

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

I want to describe how it was growing up with ADHD and be diagnosed later at 18 years old and how it exists with other co-morbidities.

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

A short recount of my experience discovering I have ADHD earlier this year.

By Professionals

See all 7 entries!

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

This is a great, fun short exercise guaranteed to energize you and make you smile.

This science-backed strategy reveals how to use creative day dreaming to turn the tables on procrastination!

Leslie discusses the impact of ADHD on an adult’s self-esteem, relationships, and employment.

Sometimes it is difficult to be your own self-advocate. Here are tips for college students to improve their self-advocacy skills!

Perfectionism could have stopped me from posting this video but I didn’t let it win.

ADHD Coach and Mom of an ADHD teen offers 3 tips when teaching your ADHD teen to drive.

How my son transformed from ADHD and the worse case of ODD to the most happy, confident, respectful and cooperative Kid in town!