ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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What lifestyle changes can improve family life?

In a couple of words: Sleep and diet

Good sleep practice has an impact on daytime executive function. And nutrition is related to weight gain problems and other physical conditions. So sharing healthy meals can also help parents address some of their children’s symptoms and make family life go a little more smoothly.

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What is the role of self-care in managing ADHD?

Personal habits address symptoms and strengthen treatment approaches

Self-care strategies can play an important role in supporting ADHD treatment and managing symptoms. Samuele Cortese, MD, PhD points to habits such as good sleep hygiene, regular exercise, stress management, ADHD coaching, therapy, and a balanced diet. These can all help a person address ADHD symptoms and strengthen treatment approaches. We are coming to a better understanding of how these self-care strategies are beneficial.

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My Child Has ADHD. Could I Have It, Too?

Symptoms to Look For and Steps to Take

Many parents, and aunts and uncles, will begin to look at their own life’s history when their child has been diagnosed with ADHD. They recognize the symptoms of ADHD have been present in their own lives and may be the cause of some of their experiences and struggles. It’s common for parents and family members to seek their own evaluation when a child is first diagnosed with ADHD. J. Faye Dixon, PhD gives some pointers.

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How can people balance attention to strengths as well as to relative challenges?

ADHD is not a simple disorder.

While we need to keep in mind co-occurring conditions, we need to also focus and building on a person’s strengths. Keeping our strengths in mind gives us a foundation for growth beyond the struggles presented by ADHD and co-occurring conditions. Dr. Thomas E. Brown has suggestions.

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Under what circumstances can an ADHD diagnosis be missed?

Why An ADHD Diagnosis Sometimes Comes Later

Not everyone receives ADHD as a diagnosis in child, often because they don’t display the symptoms of the hyperactive presentation. J. Faye Dixon, PhD, says when difficulties arise later, as a young adult or in adulthood, individuals and their medical professionals take a second look and find the underlying ADHD has been the cause of their struggles.

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How can I build a healthy relationship and support my emerging adult who Has ADHD?

It’s common for young adult children to live with their parents…

Even when not living at home, many young adults still need their parents’ support. How can you support your young adult as in healthy and positive ways? Dulce Torres, LPC-S, BCC, ACC, offers some tips for helping families during this stage of life.

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