ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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Struggled my ENTIRE life

I am a 49 y/o, female diagnosed with Adult ADHD (INattentive Type). I was FINALLY AND correctly diagnosed @ the age of 42. I know beyond a doubt that I have suffered my ENTIRE life (pre-diagnosis). It got worse as I entered high school and through college, it tended to get the best of me. As a child, I often got in trouble for talking excessively in class. In high school, I struggled with not being able to get my work done while in class (in ALL of my classes). I would end up taking almost every one of my textbooks home with me, EVERY night, studying for hours attempting to get all of my assignments finished. It took me twice the time as others. In college, I remember being there, physically, but mentally, I was thinking about everything I needed to do, wanted to do, errands or just plain wondering what was going on outside of the classroom. As I got older, I realized that I could never focus on one thing at a time, had trouble finishing chores or projects, etc.

<pclss=”whosaid”> Mindy