ADHD Awareness is Key
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Stories about Relationships

Providing Perspective Through My ADHD Story

A Podcast with Mallory Band, MSEd Transcription Hello and welcome to the podcast series, “Moving Forward With ADHD” for 2023 ADHD Awareness Month. We are Karen Sampson Hoffman from CHADD and Roxanne Fouché of the ADHD Coaches Organization. We are thrilled to invite you on a journey of understanding, insight, and empowerment during ADHD Awareness … Read more

ADHD, Young Adults, and Their Parents

ADHD impacts young adults and their parents. There are challenges with academics,relationships, and work. A young adult must figure out how to make the best decisions for themselves.

Living with ADHD

Find options and strategies for parents of all ages of children and adults with ADHD from CHADD

ADHD and Parent-Child Relationships

The parent-child relationship issues always seem to include problems with Communication, Parental Sterss, Discipline and Behavioral Management, Emotional Regulation, and Academics. Dulce Torres shared 5 ways that ADHD can impact the parent-child relationship….and 9 strategies to help.

How Does ADHD Impact Romantic Relationships?

ADHD can play a significant role in the health of romantic relationships and their eventual success. How can partners help one another?

Who are the Professionals a Family May Need for ADHD Support?

Families work with a variety of medical, mental health, educational, and lifestyle support professionals for the care and well-being of their children.

My Journey With ADHD and My Family

Hi, my name is Adam. I’d like to share some of my experiences mainly with school. I would also like to include advice for students, like myself. First off, I was diagnosed with ADHD (with a focus on the deficit part) at the age of maybe 10. I’m 20 now, and I still don’t quite … Read more

ADHD: A Journey of Struggles and Successes

I am a mom of four children, all with ADHD. My youngest who is now 25 years old, prompted me to realize the need for more education and advocacy on his part. It seemed no one understood this invisible medical diagnosis. When you have a child with combined ADHD, the behaviors become the this child … Read more

Hiding Beneath Anxiety & Anger

I have a nail-biter. My 10-year old middle son is also the family’s Head of Health & Safety. He has always been a cautious, teetering on anxious, soul. Post-pandemic, however, his anxiety sky rocketed and school, which he’d previously enjoyed, became a struggle. He was terrified of not ‘fitting in’ and of not being ‘good … Read more

How Do the Different ADHD Treatment Options Work?

There several options in creating an ADD treatment plan. Working with the healthcare provider, you can decide on one of serveral options that exist for your child’s or your own plan.