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- 2024 ADHDAwarenessMonth Prizes
- 7 Facts About ADHD
- 7 Facts You Need To Know
About ADHD - About Our Mission
- ADHD Adult Self Screener
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- ADHD Awareness Month Privacy Policy
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- ADHD Questions and Answers
- ADHD Symptoms and Diagnosis
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- Ari Tuckman Talks about ADHD In Adults
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- Experts' Videos and Podcasts
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- Got questions? Contact Us
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- Laugh a little at these ADHD memes
- Margaret H. Sibley, PhD talks about Treatments for ADHD
- Myths About ADHD
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- Thomas E. Brown, PhD talks about ADHD Assessments
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All Posts
2019 Videos
- ADHD and the creative mind
- ADHD Myths and Tips
- An Invisible Strength
- Be a zebra, not a horse!
- Girl Boss
- I’m getting ready to move. I have ADHD.
- My Hyper Brain
- Myth busters 2.0: ADHD
- Myth busters 2.0: Bad Parenting
- Parents Need to Control Emotions, Too
- Physical fitness helps my ADHD
- Routines Can Help!
- Setting the Record Straight…about Bullying
- The Journey of a Mind
- Two Myths about ADHD
- What It Feels Like to Have Executive Dysfunction (ADHD)
ADHD diagnosis
- #ADHDPositive and almost 50!
- 53 years ADHD
- A child heard but not seen
- A post ADHD diagnosis success story
- ADHD can be a Tool
- ADHD in Perimenopause and Menopause
- ADHD: Vibrance and Acceptance
- Better Late Than Never
- Diagnosed at 40
- Diagnosis can be the start of a brand new chapter in your life
- Discovery: A New Journey Begins
- Empowered
- From outside the classroom to a life of learning!
- I don’t want to sit still
- I was a lost soul, driving blindly in the fast lane.
- Ironic Happenings
- I’m Alex, and I have an ADHD diagnosis
- Jill, mum of 4, nurse, diagnosed ADHD age 35
- Knitting for Attention
- Living on our island…together
- Living without a diagnosis until I had my children
- Losing My Shame
- Military and ADHD
- My Life with ADHD and how I made it my superpower, also how it influence my career choice.
- Nobody noticed my ADHD
- Rediscovering Myself at 52: How ADHD Changed My Life
- Struggled my ENTIRE life
- Super Mom’s Super Powers
- The best thing I ever did was go to my GP
- The difficulties of getting an ADHD diagnosis as a woman
- The Importance of Self-Advocacy When Diagnosed
- The Power of Knowing
- To have or not to have ADHD,
that is the question. - Validation, Acceptance, and Management
- We Call it, Super Brain Power
- When I thought “normal” life-ing was hard for everyone
- zig zag
ADHD in Families
ADHD Stories
- #ADHDPositive and almost 50!
- 53 years ADHD
- 74 Years Undiagnosed
- A Beautiful Mind
- A child heard but not seen
- A Dad with ADHD
- A post ADHD diagnosis success story
- A Successful Life
Without Knowing I had ADHD - Accepting my ADHD, the good and the bad
- Accepting myself: in turn my adhd
- ADHD affects not only the person with it, but the entire family…
- ADHD and Entrepreneurship
- ADHD and Identity
- ADHD and Leadership
- ADHD and the public schools
- ADHD can be a Tool
- Adhd diagnosis saved my life
- ADHD for Me
- ADHD Has Amazing Gifts 🤪
- ADHD in Perimenopause and Menopause
- ADHD is a gift that I am grateful for…
- ADHD is both a curse and a gift…
- ADHD is my super power
and my Kryptonite - ADHD is not a choice or the result of bad parenting…
- ADHD is real and valid…
- ADHD Myth Busting
- ADHD ruined my life & saved it
- ADHD, mental illness, and creativity
- ADHD, PhD, & Meds
- ADHD. My story. My journey.
- ADHD: A Journey of Struggles and Successes
- ADHD: Vibrance and Acceptance
- Adult ADHD and me
- Adult Diagnosis Tips
- All my life I have been driven to prove them wrong…
- Be POSITIVE for a child with ADHD…
- Becoming an ADHD Fantasy Author
- Being Patient
- Better Late Than Never
- Born to Stand
- Bouncing Off the Walls
- College took 7 years
- Creative ways to entertain children during lockdown
- Depression, anxiety and panic attacks
- Diagnosed at 40
- Diagnosed late
- Diagnosed Late With Adult ADD
- Diagnosis can be the start of a brand new chapter in your life
- Discovering ADHD
- Discovery: A New Journey Begins
- Do not stare
- Don’t be ashamed of ADHD
- Don’t give up!
- Drums saved my ADHD
- Educating the educators…
- Empowered
- Essere Genitori (Parenthood)
- Every single day is an exercise in patience…
- Far IN the crowd
- Fear of talking especially groups
- From outside the classroom to a life of learning!
- Functioning to Focus
- Growing up with ADHD
- Harvard to Minimum Wage: A Missed ADHD Diagnosis
- Hiding Beneath Anxiety & Anger
- How Our Journey Began
- How to Cope with ADHD
- I Am Not Distracted – A Poem
- I don’t want to sit still
- I felt like a wind up toy but I never wound down…
- I finally felt I could see the world clearly…
- i have adhd and i’m okay
- I have ADHD anxiety
- I have ADHD, I was born with ADHD and I like having ADHD
- I Love My ADHD Diagnosis
- I used to think that ADHD was way over diagnosed…
- I was a lost soul, driving blindly in the fast lane.
- I wasn’t a failure at life, I just had ADHD
- I wish people saw the way I do.
- I wish that someone had diagnosed me before I was an adult…
- I’m not guilty, it’s my unique ADHD
- I’ve learned to keep moving forward…
- Ironic Happenings
- It is extremely important to be an advocate for your child…
- It took me a long time…
- It was a relief to learn I wasn’t just lazy…
- It’s Never Too Late
- It’s been a life changer for our whole family…
- It’s magic and fire all rolled into one…
- It’s such a freedom to know about my ADHD
- I’m Alex, and I have an ADHD diagnosis
- I’m just a regular person like everyone else
- Jill, mum of 4, nurse, diagnosed ADHD age 35
- Just A Teen Girl With ADHD
- Just because you can’t see ADHD/ODD doesn’t make it less real
- Just cause I don’t misbehave
- K.P.
- Knitting for Attention
- Late in life ADHD diagnosis – best day of my life
- Learning to accept my ADHD
- Learning to breathe again
- Learning To Live With ADHD
- Living in Hope
- Living my whole life with ADHD
- Living on our island…together
- Living with ADHD and Loving Who I am!
- Living with ADHD is like walking up a down escalator…
- Living without a diagnosis until I had my children
- Losing My Shame
- Love
- Marginalized
- Mastering the Task Juggle: My Simple Strategy
- Mid-Twenties, A Woman and Undiagnosed (And Yes, It’s Hard)
- Military and ADHD
- Mind games
- Mind over Matter
- My ADHD is All Grown Up
- My ADHD story
- My ADHD Strengths Are Responsible for My Corporate and Entrepreneurial Success
- My child wants to do well…
- My Galaxy Brain’s Destiny
- My Gift of Silence
- My Journey to Understanding I Am Not Broken
- My Journey With ADHD and My Family
- My life has been re-invigorated
- My Life Through a New Lens
- My Life with ADHD
- My Life With ADHD
- My Life with ADHD
- My Life with ADHD and how I made it my superpower, also how it influence my career choice.
- My shoes may never fit perfect, and that’s ok.
- My son. The ADHD silly goose.
- My Strength
- Nobody noticed my ADHD
- Not a Bad Student After All
- Oh my days…
- On the struggle bus
- One Hand Tied Behind My Back
- Out of the Mouths of Babes
- Parenting a child with ADHD is like parenting five children…
- People often assume my ADHD hasn’t really affected me…
- People with ADHD have amazing gifts to offer…
- Performing to our potential…
- Rediscovering Myself at 52: How ADHD Changed My Life
- Shine and Surprise!
- Spacing out vs 2020 School hallways
- Struggled my ENTIRE life
- Struggles with Connection
- Succeeding with ADHD
- Super Mom’s Super Powers
- Taking the Compassionate and Mindful Road
- Teachers brushed off my concerns…
- Thankful for ADHD diagnosis
in adulthood, hoping to
continue the conversation
to help others - That’s me and you (A poem)
- The best thing I ever did was go to my GP
- The Day I Started Living
- The difficulties of getting an ADHD diagnosis as a woman
- The Importance of Self-Advocacy When Diagnosed
- The Long Haul
- The Power of an Adult ADHD Diagnosis
- The Power of Knowing
- The Revelation of A Lateral Mind
- The world came into focus…
- There’s Nothing Wrong With ADHD
- This is the first time
I feel I have everything I need… - Tips for other families
- To have or not to have ADHD,
that is the question. - Transforming Life Through Sleep
- Twice Exceptional
- Unmasking My Adult ADHD: A Journey to Awareness and Acceptance
- Validation, Acceptance, and Management
- We Call it, Super Brain Power
- We The ADHD
- What Am I?
- What I wish my son’s teachers knew about ADHD
- What was once almost impossible for me is now effortless…
- When a disability is obvious, people are more willing to help…
- When I thought “normal” life-ing was hard for everyone
- Why is your phone in the linen closet?
- Words just came out of my mouth before they went through my head…
- zig zag
ADHD treatment options
- 74 Years Undiagnosed
- ADHD ruined my life & saved it
- ADHD, PhD, & Meds
- Drums saved my ADHD
- Growing up with ADHD
- Late in life ADHD diagnosis – best day of my life
- Mastering the Task Juggle: My Simple Strategy
- My ADHD Strengths Are Responsible for My Corporate and Entrepreneurial Success
- Shine and Surprise!
- The Day I Started Living
- The Long Haul
Adults with ADHD
- Accepting myself: in turn my adhd
- ADHD and Entrepreneurship
- Adult ADHD and me
- Adult Diagnosis Tips
- College took 7 years
- Depression, anxiety and panic attacks
- Discovering ADHD
- Fear of talking especially groups
- I have ADHD, I was born with ADHD and I like having ADHD
- I wasn’t a failure at life, I just had ADHD
- Living in Hope
- Mid-Twenties, A Woman and Undiagnosed (And Yes, It’s Hard)
- Mind over Matter
- My ADHD is All Grown Up
- My ADHD story
- My Galaxy Brain’s Destiny
- My Gift of Silence
- My Journey to Understanding I Am Not Broken
- My life has been re-invigorated
- My Life Through a New Lens
- My shoes may never fit perfect, and that’s ok.
- Not a Bad Student After All
- Oh my days…
- Struggles with Connection
- Transforming Life Through Sleep
- Unmasking My Adult ADHD: A Journey to Awareness and Acceptance
- Why is your phone in the linen closet?
Ari Tuckman on ADHD in Adults
- ADHD Awareness Month Cookies
- ADHD Cat
- ADHD Feelings
- ADHD, but make it pop art
- All under control (kind of)
- Beautiful Bee Brain
- Between Space and Time
- Beyond the Fog
- Blaire Postman: Struggling Chartist
- Caged In Class
- Candle in the Wind
- Dancing Doodle
- Digital Face
- Drift, a #PsycheGremlin
- Focus Doodles
- Fun House
- Galaxy Brain
- Hidden ADHD
- IC434
- Indecisive Feelings
- Inside My Head
- Jaden
- Masking me
- Minority
- Music
- Musings of an ADHDer
- my ADHD brain
- My ADHD senses
- My Inner Strength
- My life is a mess
- My OC Distractaria
- Norepinephrine And Dopamine Go On Vacation
- Pink Unicorn
- Positive fun
- Rainbow Tears
- Random find in my favorite place, outside.
- Red Clovers
- reVeriE
- Self-Portrait in Orange
- Sensory Overload
- Sowing Still 2
- The Day Will Come
- The Heart and Brain of ADHD
- The Importance of ADHD Awareness
- The Stance
- The Tall Green Tree
- Think Outside the Box
- Thought Zephyrs
- Too many tabs open
- Trapped
- Try Different
- Tupac on math homework
- Waiting on Myself
- What I do reflects back to others
- Where to start
- White Octopuses Portrait
- You Matter
- You Should’ve Feared Me More
Dr. Thomas Brown on ADHD Assessments
Experts' Videos and Podcasts
- ADHD and Parent-Child Relationships
- ADHD, Young Adults, and Their Parents
- Diagnostic Silos
- How can I build a healthy relationship and support my emerging adult who Has ADHD?
- How can I improve communication at work?
- How can people balance attention to strengths as well as to relative challenges?
- How do you decide what to treat first when there is more than one diagnosis?
- How do you protect the relationship with a child who has ADHD?
- How does distraction challenge a relationship when a partner has ADHD?
- How effective is medication for treating ADHD?
- My Child Has ADHD. Could I Have It, Too?
- Providing Perspective Through My ADHD Story
- Under what circumstances can an ADHD diagnosis be missed?
- Understanding Girls and Women with ADHD
- What are some things adults can do if they think they may have ADHD?
- What are the challenges of parenting a child or children with ADHD?
- What are the most common co-occurring diagnoses/conditions in adults?
- What are the some common diagnoses/conditions that co-occur in adults with ADHD?
- What challenges to communication are caused by ADHD?
- What is the impact of social challenges for people with ADHD?
- What is the role of self-care in managing ADHD?
- What lifestyle changes can improve family life?
- What’s the best way to talk with a child who has ADHD?
- Which is better for treating ADHD? Medicate or not?
- Why does my partner with ADHD have so much trouble with emotional regulation?
- Why is ADHD not diagnosed until adulthood in some people?
J Faye Dixon on ADHD in Families
Margaret H. Sibley on Treatments for ADHD
- ADHD doesn’t exist: Myth!
- ADHD is caused by bad parenting: MYTH!
- ADHD is just an excuse for laziness: MYTH!
- ADHD medication is addictive: Myth!
- Children Grow Out of ADHD: MYTH!
- Children with ADHD just need more discipline: MYTH!
- Everyone has a little ADHD: MYTH!
- Is ADHD Caused By Bad Parenting?
- MYTH: ADHD is overdiagnosed
- Myth: Only boys have ADHD
- People with ADHD just can’t concentrate: MYTH!
new list
- 3 insights to Help You Get it Right
- Alex’s ADHD
- Are You Fighting Your ADHD?
- Diversity Challenge
- Girls Like Me have ADHD
- Harrison’s ADHD Video
- Here to Say
- Homework Tips
- How to deal with ADHD. ADHD awareness 2018
- Living with ADHD
- Puggy Head
- Setting the Record Straight
- Setting The Record Straight
(About ADHD) - When Women Battle ADHD and Borderline Personality Disorder
Questions and Answers
- ADHD and Parent-Child Relationships
- ADHD Quick Facts
- ADHD Symptoms and Diagnosis
- ADHD: 7 Facts
- Are there supplements that can improve ADHD symptoms?
- Aren’t medications for ADHD just different versions of illegal drugs?
- Can you have a successful life with ADHD?
- Children with ADHD just need more discipline: MYTH!
- How are ADHD and executive functioning related?
- How can diet support the management of ADHD symptoms?
- How can I best parent my ADHD child?
- How can I improve communication at work?
- How can people with ADHD eat healthier?
- How can students with ADHD prepare for college/university?
- How common is ADHD in children and adults?
- How do K-12 educational accommodations support the treatment of ADHD?
- How is ADHD in adults an explanation for challenges and not an excuse?
- If my child has extra time and other accommodations at school, isn’t that cheating?
- If my child is diagnosed with ADHD, won’t they be labeled?
- In addition to medication and therapy, what other lifestyle supports for adult ADHD are suggested by professionals?
- Is ADHD Caused By Bad Parenting?
- Isn’t ADHD just an excuse for laziness?
- Living with ADHD
- MYTH: ADHD is overdiagnosed
- Understanding Girls and Women with ADHD
- What are some of the lesser-known potential signs and features of ADHD in men?
- What are some of the lesser-known potential signs and features of ADHD in women?
- What are some unique challenges for older teens and young adults with ADHD?
- What are some ways to reduce stress with ADHD?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of disclosing at work that I have ADHD?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking ADHD medication?
- What are the long-term health implications of ADHD?
- What are the most common relationship issues when one partner has ADHD?
- What are the risk factors for people with ADHD during the coronavirus pandemic?
- What are the treatment considerations for ADHD with comorbid anxiety disorders?
- What can help people with ADHD who need to spend a lot of time on their computers?
- What causes ADHD?
- What do we know about self-talk among adults diagnosed with ADHD?
- What does a comprehensive treatment plan for adults with ADHD look like/include?
- What does a comprehensive treatment plan for children with ADHD look like/include?
- What does CBT treatment look like for adults with ADHD?
- What is ADHD coaching?
- What is the connection between ADHD and sleep problems?
- What is the difference in ADHD between males and females?
- What is the relationship between ADHD and emotional regulation?
- What is the relationship between ADHD and obesity / eating habits?
- What is the relationship between ADHD and sleep disorders in women?
- What is the relationship between ADHD symptoms and functioning?
- What is the relationship of ADHD to Substance Use Disorders?
- What is the role of medication in a multimodal treatment plan?
- What other diagnoses are seen with ADHD?
- Where can I find reliable ADHD information and resources for living with ADHD?
- Who can assess and diagnose ADHD in Adults?
- Why are there so many people with ADHD in the prison population?
- Why does ADHD seem to run in families?
- Why is it important to diagnose and treat ADHD in adulthood?
- Why should I consider parent training?
Stories about having other conditions
Stories about Parenting and ADHD
- (no title)
- (no title)
- A diagnosis Shouldn’t Dictate Your Life
- ADHD and Entrepreneurship
- Awareness
- Could You Have ADHD? How Do You Fare on These 3 Indicators?
- Dr Hallowell – ADHD Awareness Month Tip
- Experience of ADHD for students in the Classroom
- How to Give Directions to Your Child with ADHD That They Will Actually Follow
- I am 5
- I don’t want to sit still
- Lost in Chaos
- Vista