ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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My son. The ADHD silly goose.

My son, Jacob is a 9 year old handful. My little bug. He was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 4 years old. All I could think of is “finally I can get the help I need to help my baby succeed.” We have gone through one on one therapies and we see a psychiatrist. It is a lot of running around, but he is worth it or course. It hasn’t been an easy journey.

I started off refusing medication. I wanted to work through behavioral techniques first.

After a while those failed on us and I moved to medication. That has been the battle for me and my son. Figuring out which meds and how much to give has been the struggle. My son has some other health and mental disabilities, so taking these meds can go one of two ways.

After 5 years of struggling, crying, dealing with tantrums, thoughts of “Why my baby?” “What did he do to deserve this?” we have hopefully found our happy place.

I am so happy now that we have found what works.

My advise to parents that are dealing with this issue is to not give UP!