ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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My ADHD story

In 2018 I was diagnosed with ADHD. The doctors put labels on me. They said that I wouldn’t be able to do certain things. Well, I’ve accomplished many of those labels that they stuck on me. It’s been challenging for sure but I’ve always found things to help me with tasks or whatever it would be. Music helps me a lot. Rocking helps me too. I’ve found that lists help with tasks as well. I have a knack for anything science related. It was my favorite subject in high school. Especially biology.

When others ask how ADHD is like, I always explain it as try doing one task and getting bored without even completing that task. It’s like your brain is going a million miles a second & you can hear your thoughts being shuffled or even scattered. I always end up daydreaming and blocking everyone out to the point I don’t even move. ADHD is cruel to an extent. But it all depends on what others can or cannot do. I hope to live on my own someday despite the labels that doctors put on me.
