ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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Living with ADHD and Loving Who I am!

Ever since I was young, I had known I was different. I have more energy then a normal person does, even as the adult I am currently. I struggle with my thoughts and feelings, feelings of failure and rejection that triggers my anxiety and makes me lose hope. But, the sliver lining is that I am gifted beyond measure. Blessed with abilities I have had and honed these last 27 years have helped me to appreciate my uniqueness even as i struggle daily with stuff like selective hearing and torriental thoughts that leave me unable to sleep sometimes and those nights I try to explain that (to myself),I am alive for a reason, there is a purpose in every step, every failure is measured by a chance of success and I am successful by the hearts I fill with the love I willingly try to share because what matters most to me is knowing I have people who love me for being me and the ADHD just enhances the love they have for me.

William Carrier IV

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