ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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My life has been re-invigorated

I have found that being honest about my ADHD has been the most freeing and positive part of being diagnosed. Prior to being diagnosed (at 30 years old), I was told I shouldn’t self-diagnose, and to trust that the medical professionals know better than I do. My belief in myself, and my self advocacy has created monumental change in the way I trust my own instincts, but has also given me a wind of confidence that I can take control of my mental health. I have been diagnosed as clinically depressed, with anxiety and a panic disorder for over 10 years, and even with all the therapy and different medications, I have not had this clarity about myself. It has also given a re-invigorated direction in my work as a teacher, and advocating for our neurodivergent pupils.

name withheld