ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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My Journey With ADHD and My Family

Hi, my name is Adam. I’d like to share some of my experiences mainly with school. I would also like to include advice for students, like myself. First off, I was diagnosed with ADHD (with a focus on the deficit part) at the age of maybe 10. I’m 20 now, and I still don’t quite have it all figured out, but that’s okay!

My advice to students, like myself, is to not be so hard on yourself. I have messed up way too many times to count and I still have plenty of time to make up for it. Look to the people you’re closest to (family, a good friend, favorite teacher, etc.) I try setting my clock 30 min ahead of time so I start assignments with enough time to finish them before they’re due. It’s hard to stop procrastination, but make it easier on yourself.

ADHD is hard, you’re never alone. There’s always help either online or even accommodations in school!! <— USE ACCOMMODATIONS
Therapy is always a great place to start piecing your thoughts together. TY! 🙂
