ADHD Awareness is Key
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How to Cope with ADHD

At age 18, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Here is how I cope.

  • First: yoga, deep breathing and stretching. Slowing down my breathing dissipates negativity and I transform into a happy-go-lucky person. The stretching and yoga gives me body space, flexibility and raises dopamine levels. What could be better?
  • Second: address fear and trauma. During childhood, it was unsafe to talk due to my Christian, family values. Also, I was bullied during high school and by my sister. I learned to develop my own self-worth and ignore toxic people.
  • Third: talk therapy. In 2019, I sought therapy. (I’m on my third therapist and she gets me.) She’s a nerdy, cat lady who accepts me, which is amazing. She reminds me of my accomplishments and grants me new skills to use immediately. I take notes to remember important details.
  • My final strategy is writing down daily goals and priorities. I use bright, neon sticky notes. Write down appointments and daily obligations first, then do fun stuff.


Read more tips from people about living with ADHD and a co-occurring condition.