ADHD Awareness is Key
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A Dad with ADHD

man at lecturnHaving being diagnosed with ADHD at 40 was a shock after a breakdown after years of struggling in silence. I remember my teacher saying to me I wouldn’t do anything with my life but luckily for me a youth club helped me as school was designed for me.

Even though I left school at 15 with nothing I did became a British Champion.

I doubted everyone who said I couldn’t do nothing and used it to battle though.

Today I am a professional speaker, published author, international campaigner after setting up International Father’s Mental Health Day and have spoken on radio and TV stations around the world.

I realise having a diagnosis was the best for me as I understood the invisible enemy that I manage better even this morning.

I know believe even though ADHD has been hard it’s given me the passion to help others and change society for the better.

ADHD awareness in fatherhood is my next chapter and I hope this gives people hope that there is a community of us all in this together

Mark Williams

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