ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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College took 7 years

I didn’t see an issue until adulthood. College was not a walk in the park. I was easily distracted, became over-stimulated and took on way too many tasks. I had a part-time job in college, was a Resident Assistant and a Full-Time student, while being involved in Student Government. Needless to say, I would burn out quickly each semester and eventually just think it was too hard for me.
I started taking a semester off here and there, then years off–to finally get to graduation. Law school was intense! I still don’t know how I got through–but I did…because I made a schedule, and followed it daily with a strict routine. (Mind you–without diagnosis, and still couldn’t understand why I was unable to just be like everyone else).

I kept wondering why I was unable to get it together. After marriage and two kids…I couldn’t stay organized. I went to see a therapist and eventually learned about my diagnosis of ADHD.
