ADHD Awareness is Key
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A Dad with ADHD

Having being diagnosed with ADHD at 40 was a shock after a breakdown after years of struggling in silence. I remember my teacher saying to me I wouldn’t do anything with my life but luckily for me a youth club helped me as school was designed for me. Even though I left school at 15 … Read more

Far IN the crowd

Overwelled by stimuli as a kid; my copying mechanism became to focus on one ; put it in the background and then simultaneously listen to the teacher. I became a swimmer -which had similar effects. Here is a poem to describe what this felt like. A coin splash 💦 , then a plop on the … Read more

What Am I?

What Am I by Anna de lacy

I walk around in circles Have trouble standing still I have a minor meltdown When presented with a bill My taxes drive me crazy I cannot follow google maps I’ll go round in circles on the tube In an attention lapse And although it can be stressful Trying to live your life with me I … Read more

Mind games

So when I was a little kid I used to hate cleaning. I would always think of other things I could do. So I used to try to make myself believe it was a game. I used to shoot basketballs of clothes into hampers, put hangers into color codes, Sing lots of songs, Clean windows … Read more

Living with ADHD and Loving Who I am!

Ever since I was young, I had known I was different. I have more energy then a normal person does, even as the adult I am currently. I struggle with my thoughts and feelings, feelings of failure and rejection that triggers my anxiety and makes me lose hope. But, the sliver lining is that I … Read more

One Hand Tied Behind My Back

I knew something was wrong, but what? I earned good grades. I was in sports. I was in academic clubs. I hung out with jocks, dorks, geeks, the in crowd, the out crowd. But I was scattered. If I was busy, I was happy, and my grades went up. If I wasn’t participating in a … Read more

Twice Exceptional

When I was in 2nd grade, my father drove me to a brick building once a day for 3 days. A lady there would ask me questions. When the three days were up, she handed my parents a large stack of papers. My diagnosis. I love to read, but sometimes I can only focus on … Read more

Do not stare

A lot of people do not understand what ADHD is. My son has ADHD. He was diagnosed at 5 years old. We had many moments of melt downs in stores. Many sleepless nights full of tears. We would get stared at. Many people would glare at me judging. I had been told many times why … Read more

Creative ways to entertain children during lockdown

As a musician, one of the things I miss most during lockdown is making music with friends. But I came up with a creative solution, that went on to be a bit hit for Father’s Day: I got together with a pianist friend (she in her house in Esher, me in mine in Guildford), and … Read more

Spacing out vs 2020 School hallways

A casual story about my ADHD making me space out. In school we MUST follow arrows in-between classes to avoid coming face to face with people because of the virus. Because of this I often have to walk in a circle to reach classes just a hall over. One day I spaced out and had … Read more