ADHD Awareness is Key
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53 years ADHD

In kindergarten I was playing with blocks while the rest of the class was paying attention. Did 4th grade elementary school twice so my parents sent me to orthopedagogics Professor Bladergroen to be evaluated. I was diagnosed with ADHD in the seventies when I was 10. During the evaluation I learned to play with Lego. … Read more


Adhd is just a term A description we use Which raises concern Its not who we are Its a label we give Should it determine The way that we live? Should it disable us Or make us feel flawed Or be an excuse To close the door? To make less effort As we have something … Read more

#ADHDPositive and almost 50!

It was the fall of Covid 2020, having been off work for 6 months and struggling to accomplish the simplest tasks, I was at my breaking point. Wasting time watching TikTok and scrolling social media. Then I saw it, ADHD symptoms in a quirky 30-second video. Hit the hashtag, and it’s been a journey. After … Read more

We Call it, Super Brain Power

In our home, we refer to ADHD as Super Brain Power, the ADHD mind is truly brilliant. The ADHD diagnosis came 5 years ago and it was not only a relief, but a much needed explanation as to why. ADHD is not an excuse , or even a disability, just a different ability. ADHD has … Read more

Living in Hope

Before my husband was diagnosed I though there was something wrong with me. I was suffering for severe anxiety living with my husband, son and daughter who all had ADHD. Through counseling for myself, my unsaid joined thinking of course he was going to help with my anxiety. In turn, the psychologist recommended he be … Read more

Living on our island…together

My son & I are ADDer’s. Unfortunately, some of our family members don’t see the validity of ADD. The worst is telling us to try harder, when to us – we’re trying our very hardest, so how can we try any harder? It’s comparable to telling a blind person to see. We. Just. Can’t. My … Read more

Harvard to Minimum Wage: A Missed ADHD Diagnosis

There I was: broke, divorced, and earning minimum wage at 33 years old. Previously, I made it through high school reading only Cliff’s notes and doing homework at the last minute. But I managed to get good grades and got into Harvard – and that’s when my life fell apart. I dropped out twice before … Read more

Adhd diagnosis saved my life

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 35 during therapy after I escaped an abusive relationship. That diagnosis allowed me to finally be introduced to my own brain. With research, medication, and that ADHD grit, I’ve been able to heal my inner child as I recognize familial ADHD patterns, gain control of my emotions and utilize … Read more

I’m not guilty, it’s my unique ADHD

I was too impulsive as a kid. Breaking my bones, making bad jokes, damaging things. Once I attempted suicide. Things didn’t change much in adulthood. Driving aggressively, buying stuff without thinking. I’ve never kept my room straight. I’ve changed three universities. Regardless, emotional dysregulation was the worst thing in my life. That anger was making … Read more