ADHD Awareness is Key
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What I wish my son’s teachers knew about ADHD

As I parent, I wish my son’s teachers were more familiar with a few things about ADHD so that they could better support him. There is a lot of research showing that ADHD is real. It is a brain-based disorder affecting behaviors such as planning, attention, self-regulation, working memory, and processing information. It causes problems … Read more

All my life I have been driven to prove them wrong…

All my life I have been driven to prove wrong the statements of “doesn’t work to potential”, “makes careless mistakes”, “lacks attention to detail”, made in my early years. All that “drive” combined with hiding, and pretending to have it ” together”; while my brain ran itself in two hundred directions at once resulted in … Read more

People often assume my ADHD hasn’t really affected me…

Because I have excelled academically and have never gotten in serious trouble in school, people often assume my ADHD hasn’t really affected me. What people don’t realize is the toll that ADHD has taken on my social life and friendships. Sometimes, it feels like everyone else is speaking a different language. I approach problems and … Read more

ADHD is a gift that I am grateful for…

I have an amazing physician who told me it was very important for me to understand that having ADHD is not a death sentence or a “disability” but a gift. I’m in healthcare management & he also told me when I was interviewing potential new employees, to look for qualities of myself. I looked at … Read more

It is extremely important to be an advocate for your child…

As a parent, it is extremely important to be an advocate for your child.My child was adopted at birth, and I feel strongly that God gave her to me because he knew I would stand up for her and guide her and be her biggest cheerleader, no matter how exhausting it is. – SP, Florida