ADHD Awareness is Key
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Out of the Mouths of Babes

My son Dale is 10 years old and has ADHD. This story took place when he was in Kindergarten. Dale has a late birthday so he would have to wait a year to start school. To avoid that, I enrolled him in private school. After one week they told us they weren’t equipped to handle … Read more

There’s Nothing Wrong With ADHD

I was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age, I even went to a camp to help me with it. As a kid I was ashamed of my ADHD. In 5th grade a teacher called me out in the middle of class asking if I had “taken my medication today?” Shortly after that I realized … Read more

Just A Teen Girl With ADHD

I have lived with ADHD since the moment I was born (although my parents never told me until the 4th grade). When I was young, I have always struggled with attention, organization, and other executive functioning skills. One thing that bothers me the most that some non-ADHD’ers have said is “oh well you can’t have … Read more

My Strength

Growing up with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder I’m very thankful for my parents acknowledging my disorder and giving me the resources that I needed to learn how to utilize my ADHD to help me in life and not hinder me. In 2015, I started working with the Cleveland Clinic Summer Treatment Program, a program I attended as … Read more

ADHD, mental illness, and creativity

I’ve struggled my entire life (starting with memories from preschool) with inattentive ADHD, mental illness, and learning disabilities. I was born ten weeks early, alongside my twin sister, and lived in the NICU for several weeks. I often wonder if my premature birth and low birthweight contribute to some of my struggles. Regardless, I want … Read more

Learning to breathe again

Sat in a hospital puzzled and confused, I had an untreated eating disorder, untreated alcoholism and undiagnosed ADHD. I had almost given up trying – even trying to breathe. Comments like these were all too familiar, “You just need to apply yourself or try a bit harder.” “You have so much potential” My family always … Read more

Becoming an ADHD Fantasy Author

Life with ADHD can be a magical wonderland; sometimes charming, sometimes dark. This is the inspiration for the ADHD fantasy I write. It’s fantasy that takes place inside the mind of someone you know. Possibly love. Maybe, yourself. Although I managed to earn a PhD, learn four foreign languages and homeschool three kids through high-school, … Read more

ADHD and Identity

It’s not uncommon for people to use ADHD as a synonym for inattentive or hyperactive. It wasn’t until a sociology course at my university that I realized why I used to get so annoyed by this. Humans have a tendency to assign moral values to labels. In a culture that emphasizes individualism, it can be … Read more

On the struggle bus

I am currently struggling with ADHD, still need guidance with school. Anyways ADHD can be good, bad at the same time. Because of the impulsiveness I do get in trouble. But there are ups, like being social. I know, having a disorder sucks because of people make fun of you. But maybe, people could change. … Read more

ADHD for Me

Everywhere I turn, it seems there are messages about who can and can’t have ADHD, its causes, how to “fix” it and what it has to look like. Some of these messages are informative & empowering, but many of them are confusing & dismissive. These messages often distract me. Instead of using the strategies & … Read more