ADHD Awareness is Key
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My ADHD story

woman in striped top

In 2018 I was diagnosed with ADHD. The doctors put labels on me. They said that I wouldn’t be able to do certain things. Well, I’ve accomplished many of those labels that they stuck on me. It’s been challenging for sure but I’ve always found things to help me with tasks or whatever it would … Read more

My ADHD is All Grown Up

2 parents with 4 children

In Middle School, I received a diagnosis of anxiety and ADHD. It was challenging, however with medication, therapy, and maturity, I aged into my ADHD gracefully and for over two decades, I managed. Last year, though, things changed. The bedrock of my stable mind shifted, and I started to feel…unsteady. Raising four children, managing life … Read more

Mind over Matter

Some time back in an earlier organization, my team-mate Arpi telephoned me from the office while I was on a field trip and working in scorching field conditions in Central India. Arpi, utterly oblivious to my exact situation, brought Shalin from the IT department on the line for a discussion to resolve a pending operational … Read more

Adult Diagnosis Tips

Shelly Lyons

Identified as an ADHDer at 39… “Ohhhhh, so that’s what’s been going on! What a relief…I am not a dumb Brown University graduate after all…Maybe they didn’t make a mistake admitting me… Wait a second!…You mean I went through over 30 years of really hard times when I didn’t have to? If only I had … Read more

Not a Bad Student After All

I was diagnosed during my very last semester of college. I had struggled tremendously through the previous years with procrastination and completing school work, but I blamed it on my own personal failings. I tried so hard for so long to change and nothing was changing. In my last semester, I finally decided to seek … Read more

Living in Hope

Before my husband was diagnosed I though there was something wrong with me. I was suffering for severe anxiety living with my husband, son and daughter who all had ADHD. Through counseling for myself, my unsaid joined thinking of course he was going to help with my anxiety. In turn, the psychologist recommended he be … Read more