ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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How can I improve communication at work?

Requesting accomodations might not be an option

Having ADHD can make communication difficult in the workplace. Requesting accommodations isn’t always an option. Melissa Orlov offers some ideas on how you can address ADHD challenges to communication and productivity without using ADHD as an excuse.

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Providing Perspective Through My ADHD Story

A Podcast with Mallory Band, MSEd Transcription Hello and welcome to the podcast series, “Moving Forward With ADHD” for 2023 ADHD Awareness Month. We are Karen Sampson Hoffman from CHADD and Roxanne Fouché of the ADHD Coaches Organization. We are thrilled to invite you on a journey of understanding, insight, and empowerment during ADHD Awareness … Read more

Why does my partner with ADHD have so much trouble with emotional regulation?

Both partners have responsiblities in managning emotional outbursts

Emotional dysregulation is a key feature of adult ADHD and it can strain a relationship. Learning to recognize the source of emotional outbursts can help one become a better partner and allow both partners to work together to improve the relationship.

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How does distraction challenge a relationship when a partner has ADHD?

Misinterpretation of patterns cause problems

Becoming aware of patterns in a relationship when a partner has ADHD can help the relationship remain healthy. Symptoms such as distraction can cause hurt feelings when not recognized and addressed by both partners. Melissa Orlov encourages partners to use the tools of good communication to address patterns caused by ADHD.

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What challenges to communication are caused by ADHD?

Distraction is a big strain

Other symptoms, such as inattention and forgetfulness, can make the partner without ADHD feel unloved. Working on symptom management together can improve communication and strengthen a relationship. Award winning author Meslissa Orlov tackles the notions of pain, confusion, and exhaustion in communication betwen partners when one has ADHD. She shares tools to understanding the patterns of the problems.

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How effective is medication for treating ADHD?

Medication works best when properly optimized for the individual

Samuele Cortese, MD, PhD discusses types of useful medication available and the importance of clinicians and patients working together to find the “sweet spot” that allows the right medication, at the right dose, to provide the maximum benefit as part of a treatment plan.

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What lifestyle changes can improve family life?

In a couple of words: Sleep and diet

Good sleep practice has an impact on daytime executive function. And nutrition is related to weight gain problems and other physical conditions. So sharing healthy meals can also help parents address some of their children’s symptoms and make family life go a little more smoothly.

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