ADHD Awareness is Key
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Award Winning Videos

View videos by Children | Families | Adults | Professionals

Winning Videos by Children

2019 Winners

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

Myth busters 2.0: Bad Parenting

I made this video myself using Lego figure to represent a person with ADHD.
2018 Winners

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

Living with ADHD

I live successfully with ADHD. I wanted to help create awareness of what it is like to live with ADHD.

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

How to deal with ADHD

Making our video was a very fun and educational experience. We did a lot of research and created a lasting memory.

Honorable Mention

Alex's ADHD

My video is about me, a teenager who recently discovered that I have ADHD.
2017 Winners

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

Eight year old Giuliana gives a glimpse into her life with ADHD and many of the challenges and frustrations that come with it.

Honorable Mention

A tip for parents: Practice the Attention Stance

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

After thousands of takes to get a perfect video from my kids, Robbie 11 & Arika 10, I realized the bloopers were actually a better explanation of ADHD

By Families

2019 Winning Family

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

Myth busters 2.0: ADHD

We made this video ourselves, on an iPad, using special effects to make it cool.

Peoples' Choice
Award Winner

Physical fitness helps my ADHD

Physical fitness helps me cope ADHD Coaching Healthy Body Healthy Mind strategies behavior goals
2018 Winning Family Video

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

A Diagnosis Shouldn't Dictate Your Life

Just a little compilation of how we didn't let our son't diagnosis dictate how we live our life

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

Setting the Record Straight

Taking the theme of this years ADHD awareness contest of Setting the Record Straight and this little awareness video was born

By Adults

2019 Award Winners

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

The Journey of a Mind

A frame-by-frame animation project that tells of the struggles and challenges faced as a university student with ADHD.

Peoples' Choice
Award Winner

A day in the life

of my hyper brain

Honorable Mention

ADHD and the Creative Mind

I am showing how creative people with ADHD can be.
2018 Award Winners

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

Puggy Head

Breaking News: ADHDers have mini slot machines in their heads...!

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

Here to Say

"Here To Say" sums up my life with ADHD

Honorable Mention

Diversity Challenge

In this final round of the game show 'Diversity Challenge' highlights the many misconceptions surrounding ADHD....
2017 Award Winners

Judges' Choice
Award Winner

A short recount of my experience discovering I have ADHD earlier this year.

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

I want to describe how it was growing up with ADHD and be diagnosed later at 18 years old and how it exists with other co-morbidities.

Honorable Mention

This video is us — the ADD Couple — sharing one of our favorite tips that has helped make our life a little easier and our goals more achievable.

By Professionals

2019 Professional Winner2018 Professional Winner2017 Professional Winner

People's Choice
Award Winner

Routines Can Help!

Simple Routine can have an incredible impact on the lives of children and adults with ADHD!

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

Parents Need to Control Emotions Too

When a parent-child conflict is ramping up, job ONE is to Self Regulate. Yelling louder isn't good for long term results.

Viewers' Choice
Award Winner

This is a great, fun short exercise guaranteed to energize you and make you smile.