ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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Thought Zephyrs

thought zephytd

A depiction of the little thought streams that the ADHD mind travels on where disconnected concepts converge and flow. The relentlessly busy mind. Ilia Chidzey

Categories Art

Galaxy Brain

The ADHD brain is like a galaxy: it swirls and moves constantly and never stops creating a myriad of new and exciting ideas! Annabel Louise Walker

Categories Art

My Galaxy Brain’s Destiny

ADHD has shaped my life and has helped me build a successful business. Way back in 2012, I woke up one morning bored; I was bored of my office job and frustrated by the lack of control I had over my own life. That afternoon – irritated and yet strangely enthused – I set up … Read more

ADHD: Vibrance and Acceptance

It has been years now, but even after so much time it feels like I’m still coming to terms with my diagnosis. For most of my life, I put off ADHD I didn’t want to acknowledge it but after finding other people’s stories on social media I realized how much it actually affected me. Everything … Read more

My Gift of Silence

I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD combined for just over a year. I’m nearly 32 years old and, admittedly, it’s difficult for me to socialise and communicate with people, even my family. If I need to reach out and talk about something important, then I like to write a letter to someone. It’s easier for me … Read more