ADHD Awareness is Key
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Validation, Acceptance, and Management

In the 4th grade I was chosen to participate in a program called Academically Talented Children. Although cognitively able to meet those high expectations, I did not have the executive function necessary to be successful in such an advanced program. I had no motivation to do school. I wanted to socialize and challenge rules. I … Read more

The best thing I ever did was go to my GP

My spouse repeated the question for a fifth time, staring at me like I’d grown an extra head. I still didn’t understand. I wanted to listen but I couldn’t make the sounds have meaning, no matter how hard I tried. At 33, I felt broken. I couldn’t concentrate, my mind constantly whirred, and I had … Read more

The Day I Started Living

The day I started living was the day I took my first dose of 10mg Adderall. I was terrified to try it, but what happened after is nothing short of a miracle. I am a 36 years old female who has had the diagnosis of depression/anxiety since high school. I always felt different/bit odd compared to … Read more