ADHD Awareness is Key
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Better Late Than Never

I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 46. As a child, I remember getting in trouble for talking too much, daydreaming on the soccer field, and writing poems instead of sleeping. As an adult, I let dishes pile up, forgot to pay bills, and was often late. And for a long time, everything was okay. … Read more

Mind over Matter

Some time back in an earlier organization, my team-mate Arpi telephoned me from the office while I was on a field trip and working in scorching field conditions in Central India. Arpi, utterly oblivious to my exact situation, brought Shalin from the IT department on the line for a discussion to resolve a pending operational … Read more

ADHD in Perimenopause and Menopause

Lisa Uotinen

I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 50, after having gone through 5 years of difficulty with focus and attention. I went through a period of “grief”, because I had lived so many years in turmoil without knowledge of ADHD or treatment. Now, however, I am moving to a place of hope and … Read more

Adult Diagnosis Tips

Shelly Lyons

Identified as an ADHDer at 39… “Ohhhhh, so that’s what’s been going on! What a relief…I am not a dumb Brown University graduate after all…Maybe they didn’t make a mistake admitting me… Wait a second!…You mean I went through over 30 years of really hard times when I didn’t have to? If only I had … Read more

A child heard but not seen

Lucien Sorce

I’m Lucien and I work at a global software company. At my school teachers deemed my grades acceptable, along with my acceptance to a top 20 University to study chemistry; I wasn’t SEEN as a student with ADHD as it was associated with ‘naughty’ or ‘hyperactive’ students only. Instead I was labelled as lazy, disorganised … Read more