ADHD Awareness is Key
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You Should’ve Feared Me More

cartoon of woman

Avatar: The Last Airbender circulates consistently amist silent desire to watch a new show. I’ve feared my ADHD would consume my humanity. Sarah St Sauver

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Sensory Overload

strings thru a small hole

When info enters my brain, it feels like it gets scrambled. Some of it is amplified. Some minimized. Some lost. Not sure what’s important or not. Briana Quinlan

Categories Art

Fun House

A peek inside my brain at all the colorful weird rabbit holes I fall into daily. My curiosity is a never ending trippy magical madness. Denise Ann

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My life has been re-invigorated

I have found that being honest about my ADHD has been the most freeing and positive part of being diagnosed. Prior to being diagnosed (at 30 years old), I was told I shouldn’t self-diagnose, and to trust that the medical professionals know better than I do. My belief in myself, and my self advocacy has … Read more

My ADHD story

woman in striped top

In 2018 I was diagnosed with ADHD. The doctors put labels on me. They said that I wouldn’t be able to do certain things. Well, I’ve accomplished many of those labels that they stuck on me. It’s been challenging for sure but I’ve always found things to help me with tasks or whatever it would … Read more

74 Years Undiagnosed

ADHD wrecked my life, after experiencing much trauma all my life. Terrible abuse by 1st husband, then 2nd husband died, along with son, parents and 3 siblings. Worked all my life. Abandoned by 2 daughters & 5 grandchildren & am on a minimum dose of Ritalin and Buspar which helps a little but should be … Read more

My ADHD is All Grown Up

2 parents with 4 children

In Middle School, I received a diagnosis of anxiety and ADHD. It was challenging, however with medication, therapy, and maturity, I aged into my ADHD gracefully and for over two decades, I managed. Last year, though, things changed. The bedrock of my stable mind shifted, and I started to feel…unsteady. Raising four children, managing life … Read more