ADHD Awareness is Key
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Fear of talking especially groups

I have really bad ADHD and in my family my brothers were smart and bullish, when I talked And screwed it up. They would cut ME OFF and I would screw up more and developed a fear of talking especially in groups. I wasn’t aware that my adhd was such a big problem until I … Read more

My Journey to Understanding I Am Not Broken

ADHD in adulthood brings many challenges. My obsessive nature and tendency to procrastinate can make it difficult to manage my time effectively. Additionally, regulating my emotions and focusing on tasks can be a struggle. I find that talking through my problems and thoughts helps me to process them better. Stress and anxiety are also frequent … Read more

I was a lost soul, driving blindly in the fast lane.

My life was a foggy and fast-forwarded movie. I jumped from project to project, and person to person. I was prescribed depression and anxiety medicines, but never took them. It was chaos at home and boredom/daydreaming at school. Friends, school, chores, and career prospects were hard to manage. Impatience and boredom led me to procrastinating … Read more

My life is a mess


My life is a mess with a lot going on my mind depression and anxiety and panic attacks and PTSD and ADHD

Michelle McCormack

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