ADHD is not a choice or the result of bad parenting…
ADHD is not a choice or the result of bad parenting. Kids with ADHD work twice as hard every day as their peers do, but receive more negative feedback from the world. – DRB
ADHD is not a choice or the result of bad parenting. Kids with ADHD work twice as hard every day as their peers do, but receive more negative feedback from the world. – DRB
When I first took ADHD medications it was just like the first time I got glasses…the world came into focus. I just wish I could have had them forty years ago. My life would be very different. – Anonymous
It was a relief when I was diagnosed at age 46 and a lot of my past made sense. I wasn’t just lazy. The medication and awareness has helped me to adjust and cope. I can appreciate my strengths and work on my weaknesses now instead of just feeling like a loser. – Anonymous
Living with ADHD is like walking up a down escalator. You can get there eventually but the journey is exhausting. – Kathleen, Montana
I was diagnosed with ADHD last October on my 27th Birthday. I always felt different, although I was bright, creative, and friendly. Still, I was overwhelmed with a sense of being encapsulated in a bubble. I could see out, but I couldn’t reach out. I didn’t connect on the same level as the other kids. … Read more