ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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My daughter is 10, diagnosed at 5. I put her in lots of activities/sports to help make friends. She has known many if these kids for years. I keep a lot of hurtful things I see/hear about her from her to spare her feelings. The most recent was this weekend. She’s in girl scouts, who … Read more

Girls Like Me have ADHD

My life changed for the better since finding out I have inattentive ADHD. I want other girls to not fear to get help too. Submitted by: Jazi C Children’s Category: Submitted 2018

Bouncing Off the Walls

I was formally diagnosed when I was 8. My mom says she knew beforehand, but she was in denial I guess. I remember thinking I was broken. Defective. I couldn’t sit still for more than a minute, couldn’t keep my thoughts straight, and I was constantly bouncing. Meds helped, but only a bit. I got … Read more

Setting The Record Straight
(About ADHD)

9-year old, Giuliana, is setting the record straight when it comes to ADHD and the many wonderful traits and gifts it brings. Submitted by: Giuliana Margolis Videographer: Annabella Margolis Children’s Category: Submitted 2018

ADHD. My story. My journey.

As a parent of a child with ADHD you quickly realize from a young age that there is something different about your child. You can’t quite put your finger on it at first but soon others also begin to notice. Once we put our child in Montessori at the age of 2 1/2 was when … Read more

All my life I have been driven to prove them wrong…

All my life I have been driven to prove wrong the statements of “doesn’t work to potential”, “makes careless mistakes”, “lacks attention to detail”, made in my early years. All that “drive” combined with hiding, and pretending to have it ” together”; while my brain ran itself in two hundred directions at once resulted in … Read more

People often assume my ADHD hasn’t really affected me…

Because I have excelled academically and have never gotten in serious trouble in school, people often assume my ADHD hasn’t really affected me. What people don’t realize is the toll that ADHD has taken on my social life and friendships. Sometimes, it feels like everyone else is speaking a different language. I approach problems and … Read more

ADHD is a gift that I am grateful for…

I have an amazing physician who told me it was very important for me to understand that having ADHD is not a death sentence or a “disability” but a gift. I’m in healthcare management & he also told me when I was interviewing potential new employees, to look for qualities of myself. I looked at … Read more