ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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I want the world to know about ADHD is that when I am having trouble focusing when someone is talking behind me I am not doing it on purpose, when I am in class and instead of listening to the teacher I am daydreaming I am not doing it because I don’t want to study, … Read more

ADHD and the public schools

My son who is six has ADHD. I also have a three year old who doesn’t have ADHD. I always knew something wasn’t quite right when he was about three years old. He got diagnosed at age five. What I find challenging is the public school system and how there is a lack of awareness … Read more

I have ADHD anxiety

I have ADHD. I can’t sit still in a sit in the classroom and on the bus too. I have to move. I can’t sit still in the classroom. I have to up and move my body around. My ADHD… wants me to move in the classroom. I have trouble sit still on the bus … Read more

A Successful Life
Without Knowing I had ADHD

The story starts at age 45. Well, actually it started at birth but I just figured it out. All the pieces of the past 45 yrs finally made sense. Why I felt always like I struggled while the person next to me breezed through it. Why I always felt foggy and sleepy. Why I can’t … Read more

My Life With ADHD

My name is Carsyn, I am 13, and I have ADHD. I have been having This disorder my whole life but I found out that I had ADHD when I was 6 or 7. At the moment I didn’t know what it was, all I knew was to take a certain medication everyday before I … Read more

Don’t give up!

I am the mom of two adult children with ADHD who were not diagnosed until high school. Both were good students in elementary school, but started having trouble in middle school or high school when there was a gap between what the school was requiring and what they could do naturally. Between the two of … Read more

Essere Genitori (Parenthood)

English translation La difficoltà di gestione di un figlio ADHD inizia nel momento in cui apre gli occhi e non sempre finisce termina quando si addormentata, visto che mio figlio si sveglia anche la notte. Noi come genitori cerchiamo sempre di mettere in conto che hanno necessità di tanta pazienza ed energie, ma spesso dopo … Read more

Diagnosed Late With Adult ADD

Diagnosed in early 40’s. This after years of struggling to understand why I struggled when others seem to cruise thru. Long story short. I am now 57 and really its a wonder I am alive. When I was kid they didn’t know about ADD. I struggled thru school (managed to graduate college) but not knowing … Read more

My son. The ADHD silly goose.

My son, Jacob is a 9 year old handful. My little bug. He was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 4 years old. All I could think of is “finally I can get the help I need to help my baby succeed.” We have gone through one on one therapies and we see a psychiatrist. … Read more