ADHD Awareness is Key
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Being Patient

My 10 year old son was diagnosed with Severe ADD/ADHD. Without the knowledge that I know now about ADD/ADHD I would not have understood my son. Before the diagnosis my son appeared lost all the time and forgetful about everything. He wouldn’t remember if he used shampoo in the shower or brushed his teeth. My … Read more

The Power of an Adult ADHD Diagnosis

After a decade of advocating for my child with ADHD, I started relating and empathizing more and more. It took one simple comment from my own mother for the light bulb to go off in my head. “You’ve always thrived on chaos.” Those 5 words were the “key” to unlocking my own struggles, by prompting … Read more

That’s me and you (A poem)

For the hyper-focused yet easily distracted you, For the overwhelmed yet logical you, For the know-it-all yet know nothing you, For the keen observer yet obsessively ignorant you, For the judgemental and loving you, For the fearful yet gutsy you, For the disorganized and creative you, For everything you are today and forever. October is … Read more

My Life with ADHD

I was 7 years old when I was diagnosed with ADHD. I vaguely remember how I was first diagnosed with ADHD. I was put in a test group for a new medication for ADHD called Vyvanse after I was diagnosed. Although I had several people that helped me to understand my ADHD, I was and … Read more


My daughter is 10, diagnosed at 5. I put her in lots of activities/sports to help make friends. She has known many if these kids for years. I keep a lot of hurtful things I see/hear about her from her to spare her feelings. The most recent was this weekend. She’s in girl scouts, who … Read more

Girls Like Me have ADHD

My life changed for the better since finding out I have inattentive ADHD. I want other girls to not fear to get help too. Submitted by: Jazi C Children’s Category: Submitted 2018

Bouncing Off the Walls

I was formally diagnosed when I was 8. My mom says she knew beforehand, but she was in denial I guess. I remember thinking I was broken. Defective. I couldn’t sit still for more than a minute, couldn’t keep my thoughts straight, and I was constantly bouncing. Meds helped, but only a bit. I got … Read more

Setting The Record Straight
(About ADHD)

9-year old, Giuliana, is setting the record straight when it comes to ADHD and the many wonderful traits and gifts it brings. Submitted by: Giuliana Margolis Videographer: Annabella Margolis Children’s Category: Submitted 2018

ADHD. My story. My journey.

As a parent of a child with ADHD you quickly realize from a young age that there is something different about your child. You can’t quite put your finger on it at first but soon others also begin to notice. Once we put our child in Montessori at the age of 2 1/2 was when … Read more