Myth busters 2.0: Bad Parenting
I made this video myself using Lego figure to represent a person with ADHD. Submitted by: Kohaku Nakagawa-LagiszChildren’s Category: Submitted 2019
I made this video myself using Lego figure to represent a person with ADHD. Submitted by: Kohaku Nakagawa-LagiszChildren’s Category: Submitted 2019
Zebras don’t compare themselves to horses. Stop wishing you were like the neurotypicals and find YOUR way to success. Submitted by: Patricia SungAdult Category: Submitted 2019
Simple Routine can have an incredible impact on the lives of children and adults with ADHD! Submitted by: Brili GmbHProfessional Category: Submitted 2019
Finding a strength in my ADHD son and realizing the despair that can happen in the classroom ?rel=0 Submitted by: Karen LowryProfessional Category: Submitted 2019
A frame-by-frame animation project that tells of the struggles and challenges faced as a university student with ADHD. Submitted by: Jessica ParkhouseAdult Category: Submitted 2019
We made this video ourselves, on an iPad, using special effects to make it cool Submitted by: Kohaku and Totoro Nakagawa-LagiszFamily Category: Submitted 2019
Fact: ADHD is really a problem with the chemical dynamics of the brain and it’s not under voluntary control. by Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D. It’s easy to see why many people believe that ADHD is just an excuse for laziness. Everybody who has this disorder has a few activities or tasks where they have no … Read more
I grew up before they knew what ADHD was… Didn’t get diagnosed until after I was married. It’s all about getting thru the day. I found a support group in NYC, became involved, and now help run it: The Manhattan Adult ADD Support Group. Robert
Growing up, none believed my mum when she got me tested for ADHD because in class I was quiet and a girl. However people seemed to overlook the fact that when there any noise, I wouldn’t work because there were too many distractions, or that once I was out the class I was like a … Read more
When I was diagnosed with ADHD, it was nerve racking, but a good way to explain my focus and time management skills. It was the end of fourth grade when I received the diagnosis, but I was very insecure about it. I told one of my good friends about it, but she ended up telling … Read more