ADHD Awareness is Key
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Alex’s ADHD

My video is about me, a teenager who recently discovered that I have ADHD. Submitted by: Alexandra Joy Showell Videographer: Sarah Showell Honorable Mention Children’s Category: Submitted 2018

Homework Tips

In my video, I talk about strategies that I have learned to help me successfully complete my homework Submitted by: Owen Gorsuch Videographer: Anita Gorsuch Children’s Category: Submitted 2019

Harrison’s ADHD Video

I listed some strengths and weaknesses of my ADHD and how I manage all of them. Submitted by: Harrison Montour Videographer: Nate Montour Children’s Category: Submitted 2018

How to deal with ADHD. ADHD awareness 2018

Viewers’ Choice Award Winner Making our video was a very fun and educational experience. We did a lot of research and created a lasting memory. Submitted by: Elijah Gonzalez Videographer: Racquel Santiago Viewer’s Choice Award Winner Children’s Category: Submitted 2018


I want the world to know about ADHD is that when I am having trouble focusing when someone is talking behind me I am not doing it on purpose, when I am in class and instead of listening to the teacher I am daydreaming I am not doing it because I don’t want to study, … Read more

ADHD and the public schools

My son who is six has ADHD. I also have a three year old who doesn’t have ADHD. I always knew something wasn’t quite right when he was about three years old. He got diagnosed at age five. What I find challenging is the public school system and how there is a lack of awareness … Read more

I have ADHD anxiety

I have ADHD. I can’t sit still in a sit in the classroom and on the bus too. I have to move. I can’t sit still in the classroom. I have to up and move my body around. My ADHD… wants me to move in the classroom. I have trouble sit still on the bus … Read more

A Successful Life
Without Knowing I had ADHD

The story starts at age 45. Well, actually it started at birth but I just figured it out. All the pieces of the past 45 yrs finally made sense. Why I felt always like I struggled while the person next to me breezed through it. Why I always felt foggy and sleepy. Why I can’t … Read more

My Life With ADHD

My name is Carsyn, I am 13, and I have ADHD. I have been having This disorder my whole life but I found out that I had ADHD when I was 6 or 7. At the moment I didn’t know what it was, all I knew was to take a certain medication everyday before I … Read more