ADHD Awareness is Key
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Parents Need to Control Emotions, Too

When a parent-child conflict is ramping up, job ONE is to Self Regulate. Yelling louder isn’t good for long term results. Submitted by: Sharon Saline Psy.D. Professional Category: Viewers’ Choice Award Winner  2018

Setting the Record Straight…about Bullying

When you have ADHD you also have bullying. I don’t think I have met anyone that has not been bullied with or without ADHD… Submitted by: Kaleb Rodriguez Videographer: Jasmin Perez Children’s Category: Submitted 2019

Girl Boss

After years of trying to fix my ADHD skill deficits I have decided to focus on my strengths! Submitted by: Elizabeth P. Bittar Adult Category: Submitted 2019

Setting the Record Straight

Taking the theme of this year’s ADHD awareness contest of “Setting the Record Straight” and this little awareness video was born Submitted by: Jasmin Perez Viewers Choice Winner: Family Category 2018

Puggy Head

Breaking News: ADHDers have mini slot machines in their heads…! Submitted by: Stacey Berry Judges’ Choice Award Winner Adult Category: Submitted 2019

Are You Fighting Your ADHD?

What would happen if rather than seeing ADHD as something you fight, you started to see it as something you work with? Submitted by: Keith Griffin, ACC Professional Category: Submitted 2018

Here to Say

“Here To Say”( inspired by Stevie Wonder’s ” I Just Called to Say I Love You”- OK by Fair Use Act) sums up my life with ADHD. Submitted by: Kalaki Clarke, MD Viewers’ Choice Award Winner Adult Category: Submitted 2019

Diversity Challenge

In this final round of the game show ‘Diversity Challenge’ highlights the many misconceptions surrounding ADHD….  Submitted by: Madelyn Derrick Honorable Mention Adult Category: Submitted 2018