ADHD Awareness is Key
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I Love My ADHD Diagnosis

At age 41, I have been diagnosed with adult ADHD and it has literally changed my life. For so long, particularly since a motor vehicle accident a decade ago (I bumped my head), I haven’t been able to get any control over my mood swings, attention, concentration and memory loss. I pushed as hard as … Read more

My Life with ADHD

I am going to share my heart in hopes that I can make a difference to someone who is struggling or has struggled with a disability that is not visible to the eye but never-the-less very real. Growing up with a healthy self-esteem was very difficult when words such as hyper and clumsy were used … Read more

Living my whole life with ADHD

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was in kindergarten. I was told throughout middle school and high school that I would be lucky to graduate, meaning nobody thought I would be able to do it. I’m happy to say I am now preparing to graduate college with a double major. I’m studying to work … Read more

Don’t be ashamed of ADHD

Don’t let anyone shame you for having ADHD. All we can do is spread awareness and teach the world this frustrating struggle. I’ve had ADHD my whole life and my family, friends, and even teachers would shame me or make fun of me. That I’m “blonde,” annoying, frustrating because my brain doesn’t process as fast … Read more

Two Myths about ADHD

Jeff Copper, ADHD and attention coach, identifies two common myths about people with ADHD and how to dispel them. Submitted by: Jeff Copper Professional Category: Submitted 2019

Succeeding with ADHD

I have ADHD, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, and other learning disabilities. I also have nearly a 4.0 GPA. My success as a student isn’t in spite of those challenges, but probably because of them. These obstacles have helped me persevere in all that I do, have compassion for others, and cope with any new challenges … Read more

i have adhd and i’m okay

At the beginning of this year, i was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder. it wasn’t until later that i was properly diagnosed with adhd. hearing this cleared up the confusion on how i act. as a kid, i was poorly treated by my teachers due to my adhd (like i said, i didn’t know i had … Read more

3 insights to Help You Get it Right

Paying attention to three important insights to mindset, motivation, and environment for those with ADHD. Submitted by: Jeff Copper Professional Category: Submitted 2018

Diagnosed late

I was diagnosed at 25 in March 2018 with ADHD. Before, I carried the diagnoses of Bipolar disorder, Depression, Anxiety, and OCD. My whole life I was told I was bright, but also lazy, stupid, harebrained, in a fog, etc. I almost failed out of college. I watched as people passed me by, and felt … Read more