ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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Learning to breathe again

Sat in a hospital puzzled and confused, I had an untreated eating disorder, untreated alcoholism and undiagnosed ADHD. I had almost given up trying – even trying to breathe. Comments like these were all too familiar, “You just need to apply yourself or try a bit harder.” “You have so much potential” My family always … Read more

Becoming an ADHD Fantasy Author

Life with ADHD can be a magical wonderland; sometimes charming, sometimes dark. This is the inspiration for the ADHD fantasy I write. It’s fantasy that takes place inside the mind of someone you know. Possibly love. Maybe, yourself. Although I managed to earn a PhD, learn four foreign languages and homeschool three kids through high-school, … Read more

ADHD and Identity

It’s not uncommon for people to use ADHD as a synonym for inattentive or hyperactive. It wasn’t until a sociology course at my university that I realized why I used to get so annoyed by this. Humans have a tendency to assign moral values to labels. In a culture that emphasizes individualism, it can be … Read more

Dancing Doodle

Doodle Dance art by Pip Ralph

A piece I made while in a state of flow, or hyper-focus, capturing my essence of mind during a hyperactive spell. Pip Ralph

Categories Art

Think Outside the Box

Think outside the box

When measured up to Neurotypical standards, the beauty that exists outside the box for many with ADHD can sometimes be missed and underappreciated. Diana Moquin (OceanVenti)

Categories Art

On the struggle bus

I am currently struggling with ADHD, still need guidance with school. Anyways ADHD can be good, bad at the same time. Because of the impulsiveness I do get in trouble. But there are ups, like being social. I know, having a disorder sucks because of people make fun of you. But maybe, people could change. … Read more

ADHD for Me

Everywhere I turn, it seems there are messages about who can and can’t have ADHD, its causes, how to “fix” it and what it has to look like. Some of these messages are informative & empowering, but many of them are confusing & dismissive. These messages often distract me. Instead of using the strategies & … Read more