ADHD Awareness is Key
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Learning To Live With ADHD

I grew up before they knew what ADHD was… Didn’t get diagnosed until after I was married. It’s all about getting thru the day. I found a support group in NYC, became involved, and now help run it: The Manhattan Adult ADD Support Group. Robert

Just cause I don’t misbehave

Growing up, none believed my mum when she got me tested for ADHD because in class I was quiet and a girl. However people seemed to overlook the fact that when there any noise, I wouldn’t work because there were too many distractions, or that once I was out the class I was like a … Read more

Learning to accept my ADHD

When I was diagnosed with ADHD, it was nerve racking, but a good way to explain my focus and time management skills. It was the end of fourth grade when I received the diagnosis, but I was very insecure about it. I told one of my good friends about it, but she ended up telling … Read more

Functioning to Focus

ADHD has been a challenge all my life. Finding ways to cope with it has been fun. At work I have so many distractions around me. However, using a noise canceling headset and jamming to the oldies but goodies has been ideal. Not only do it help me disregard distractions I also get to groove … Read more

ADHD doesn’t exist: Myth!

FACT: There are more than 100,000 articles in science journals on ADHD (and its precursor labels) and references to it in medical textbooks going back to 1775.  Adapted from the full length article by Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D.Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center We periodically hear that ADHD is a myth. Nothing could be further from the truth. … Read more

Accepting my ADHD, the good and the bad

It was not until junior year of college that I got diagnosed with ADHD. Medications after medications, one cognitive therapy after another, I uninhibitedly searched for explanations. I needed some closure for why I couldn’t help being late to everything no matter how hard I tried. I often wish I had gotten diagnosed earlier, so … Read more

It’s Never Too Late

I always struggled in school, just getting by in school as a child and as a teen. I never understood why. I just thought I didn’t have it in me. Even as I started working as an adult, job after job. Not being able to grasp anything further than what is needed to do the … Read more