ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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My ADHD senses

My ADHD senses I’m trying to illustrate how my ADHD feels for me and what I imagine it looks like. I often find it easier to communicate my feelings through art. Erica Josefine Francker

Categories Art


Awareness My minds a mess, squirrel moments often, always in the clouds, and full of crazy ideals. My awareness. Sarah Dugan

Spacing out vs 2020 School hallways

A casual story about my ADHD making me space out. In school we MUST follow arrows in-between classes to avoid coming face to face with people because of the virus. Because of this I often have to walk in a circle to reach classes just a hall over. One day I spaced out and had … Read more

Out of the Mouths of Babes

My son Dale is 10 years old and has ADHD. This story took place when he was in Kindergarten. Dale has a late birthday so he would have to wait a year to start school. To avoid that, I enrolled him in private school. After one week they told us they weren’t equipped to handle … Read more


Vista by Emily Chen

Vista My world is intensely colorful and ever-changing. Sometimes the chaos ignites a spark, which grows into a flame and brings some light into this world. Emily Chen

I am 5

I am 5 by Mel Hartsorn

I am 5 This artwork is a portrait of my son aged 5 when we were going through diagnosis and the drama we dealt with at pre-school then starting school. Mel Hartsorn

What causes ADHD?

In most people having the diagnosis, ADHD is likely to be the result of their genetic make-up (i.e. their DNA) and events that happen to them throughout life. Together, these may cause slight differences in the development of the brain, as we see them in people with ADHD.