ADHD Awareness is Key
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ADHD and the creative mind

I am showing how creative people with ADHD can be. Submitted by: Rudy Saenz Honorable Mention Adult Category: Submitted 2019

Myth busters 2.0: Bad Parenting

I made this video myself using Lego figure to represent a person with ADHD. Submitted by: Kohaku Nakagawa-Lagisz Children’s Category: Submitted 2019

Be a zebra, not a horse!

Zebras don’t compare themselves to horses. Stop wishing you were like the neurotypicals and find YOUR way to success. Submitted by: Patricia Sung Adult Category: Submitted 2019

Routines Can Help!

Simple Routine can have an incredible impact on the lives of children and adults with ADHD! Submitted by: Brili GmbH Professional Category: Submitted 2019

An Invisible Strength

Finding a strength in my ADHD son and realizing the despair that can happen in the classroom Submitted by: Karen Lowry Professional Category: Submitted 2019

The Journey of a Mind

A frame-by-frame animation project that tells of the struggles and challenges faced as a university student with ADHD. Submitted by: Jessica Parkhouse Adult Category: Submitted 2019

Myth busters 2.0: ADHD

We made this video ourselves, on an iPad, using special effects to make it cool. Submitted by: Kohaku and Totoro Nakagawa-Lagisz Family Category: Submitted 2019 Check out more videos here.