ADHD Awareness is Key
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ADHD for Me

Everywhere I turn, it seems there are messages about who can and can’t have ADHD, its causes, how to “fix” it and what it has to look like. Some of these messages are informative & empowering, but many of them are confusing & dismissive. These messages often distract me. Instead of using the strategies & … Read more

Is ADHD Caused By Bad Parenting?

FACT: Researchers do not yet know exactly what causes ADHD.Brain-imaging studies show that differences in brain structure and wiring cause problems with attention, impulse control and motivation. by Elaine Taylor-Klaus For parents of kids with ADHD, the struggle is real. As an invisible condition, ADHD is difficult to diagnose and treat. In addition, children are … Read more

Myth: Only boys have ADHD

FACT: Boys are diagnosed two to three times as often as girls, but about 4.2% of girls have received a diagnosis of ADHD at some point in their life (and that’s not none!). By Michelle Frank, Psy.D. Since ADHD was first studied in the late 1700’s, it has predominantly been studied in boys: white, hyperactive, … Read more

ADHD Has Amazing Gifts 🤪

If you have ADHD then you will want to understand this. You are special in your own way. Don’t listen to others about what they say about ADHD. Your diagnosis brings gifts. If you are inattentive, (like me) then you have an amazing quality of thinking out of the box and being really creative! I … Read more

A Beautiful Mind

In our home, we refer to ADHD as Super Brain Power. ADHD is simply a different ability, not a disability, an excuse, or even something negative. The ADHD mind is brilliant. The associated symptoms are not bad behavior, disrespect, or a result of poor parenting. In fact, ADHD has taught my family the importance of … Read more

My Hyper Brain

A day in the life of my hyper brain. Submitted by: Evelyng Cohen Adult Category 2019 Check out more videos here.