ADHD Awareness is Key
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my ADHD brain

My ADHD Brain by Haku

My brain is very special because I am also gifted, in my way. Haku

Categories Art


Music by Olly Bishop

I love doodling and I made this for a Noel Fielding art challenge in lockdown. Olly Bishop

Categories Art

Twice Exceptional

When I was in 2nd grade, my father drove me to a brick building once a day for 3 days. A lady there would ask me questions. When the three days were up, she handed my parents a large stack of papers. My diagnosis. I love to read, but sometimes I can only focus on … Read more

Do not stare

A lot of people do not understand what ADHD is. My son has ADHD. He was diagnosed at 5 years old. We had many moments of melt downs in stores. Many sleepless nights full of tears. We would get stared at. Many people would glare at me judging. I had been told many times why … Read more

The Tall Green Tree

The Tall Green Tree I am four years old. This story is about the seasons changing and my learning how to control myself being bored. So I attempted to draw and color. Aiden Street

Categories Art

Creative ways to entertain children during lockdown

As a musician, one of the things I miss most during lockdown is making music with friends. But I came up with a creative solution, that went on to be a bit hit for Father’s Day: I got together with a pianist friend (she in her house in Esher, me in mine in Guildford), and … Read more