ADHD Awareness is Key
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Candle in the Wind

Candle in the wind

Candle in the Wind My ADHD means that I hyperfocused on this digital painting for 24-26 hours (give or take); because that’s the only way I could make sure I finished. Danielle H

Categories Art

Living with ADHD and Loving Who I am!

Ever since I was young, I had known I was different. I have more energy then a normal person does, even as the adult I am currently. I struggle with my thoughts and feelings, feelings of failure and rejection that triggers my anxiety and makes me lose hope. But, the sliver lining is that I … Read more

One Hand Tied Behind My Back

I knew something was wrong, but what? I earned good grades. I was in sports. I was in academic clubs. I hung out with jocks, dorks, geeks, the in crowd, the out crowd. But I was scattered. If I was busy, I was happy, and my grades went up. If I wasn’t participating in a … Read more