ADHD Awareness is Key
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Mind games

So when I was a little kid I used to hate cleaning. I would always think of other things I could do. So I used to try to make myself believe it was a game. I used to shoot basketballs of clothes into hampers, put hangers into color codes, Sing lots of songs, Clean windows … Read more

Inside My Head

Inside My Head by Bo Berenshteyn

In this image I try to visualize what’s going on in my head by capturing my creativity while also representing the feeling of alienation. Bo Berenshteyn

Categories Art

Pink Unicorn

Pink Unicorn by Eric Brazos

Pink Unicorn This is an acrylic painting I made for my daughter this summer 2020. I am diagnosed with ADHD, MDD and GAD. Eric Brazos

Categories Art

The Heart and Brain of ADHD

heart and brain of adhd

The Heart and Brain of ADHD Hi, my name is Gabriel and I am an 8 year old with ADHD. My picture that I drew is my heart and brain with ADHD. Gabriel

Categories Art