ADHD Awareness is Key
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Drift, a #PsycheGremlin

Drift is the gremlin with a whirlwind attention span… One of my self-care cartoons that, since my recent diagnosis, makes much more sense to me! The rest of the lineup A series of characters representing my ADHD symptoms. Drift is the distraction, Judge is the brooder, Flare is the improvisation. Now to tame them! Jamie … Read more

Categories Art

Diagnostic Silos

Treating more than one disorder at a time I think that there’s a tendency in medicine sometimes to think in diagnostic silos, that you say, “Okay this person has depression, this person has anxiety, this person has substance use disorders, this person has ADHD,” and then everything that you consider about treatment and intervention – … Read more

Harvard to Minimum Wage: A Missed ADHD Diagnosis

There I was: broke, divorced, and earning minimum wage at 33 years old. Previously, I made it through high school reading only Cliff’s notes and doing homework at the last minute. But I managed to get good grades and got into Harvard – and that’s when my life fell apart. I dropped out twice before … Read more

Adhd diagnosis saved my life

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 35 during therapy after I escaped an abusive relationship. That diagnosis allowed me to finally be introduced to my own brain. With research, medication, and that ADHD grit, I’ve been able to heal my inner child as I recognize familial ADHD patterns, gain control of my emotions and utilize … Read more

I’m not guilty, it’s my unique ADHD

I was too impulsive as a kid. Breaking my bones, making bad jokes, damaging things. Once I attempted suicide. Things didn’t change much in adulthood. Driving aggressively, buying stuff without thinking. I’ve never kept my room straight. I’ve changed three universities. Regardless, emotional dysregulation was the worst thing in my life. That anger was making … Read more

Indecisive Feelings

Indecisive Feelings

Indecisive Feelings Tangled up by all the thoughts spinning in your head. It’s like fighting with yourself, you can’t decide because you want it to be both ways. Dana House

Categories Art



Minority. My experience of coming to terms with my ADHD during lockdown. watercolour on paper, A3. carrie ravenscroft  

Categories Art

Blaire Postman: Struggling Chartist

Blaire Postman: Struggling Chartist

Blaire Postman: Struggling Chartist It’s a picture used for my solo comedic ADHD show meant to encapsulate both the great abilities ADHDers have, and some of the challenges we manage. Blaire Postman

Categories Art