ADHD Awareness is Key
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My OC Distractaria

My OC Distractaria This is my OC Distractaria I made it based on my ADHD! She has the power to distract anyone, and we’ll she distracts people she is also distract Edie Young

Categories Art

#ADHDPositive and almost 50!

It was the fall of Covid 2020, having been off work for 6 months and struggling to accomplish the simplest tasks, I was at my breaking point. Wasting time watching TikTok and scrolling social media. Then I saw it, ADHD symptoms in a quirky 30-second video. Hit the hashtag, and it’s been a journey. After … Read more

We Call it, Super Brain Power

In our home, we refer to ADHD as Super Brain Power, the ADHD mind is truly brilliant. The ADHD diagnosis came 5 years ago and it was not only a relief, but a much needed explanation as to why. ADHD is not an excuse , or even a disability, just a different ability. ADHD has … Read more

Living in Hope

Before my husband was diagnosed I though there was something wrong with me. I was suffering for severe anxiety living with my husband, son and daughter who all had ADHD. Through counseling for myself, my unsaid joined thinking of course he was going to help with my anxiety. In turn, the psychologist recommended he be … Read more

Living on our island…together

My son & I are ADDer’s. Unfortunately, some of our family members don’t see the validity of ADD. The worst is telling us to try harder, when to us – we’re trying our very hardest, so how can we try any harder? It’s comparable to telling a blind person to see. We. Just. Can’t. My … Read more

Positive fun

Positive imagination! by Adrian

Positive fun Positive imagination! Health and safety. Mind never stops. Adrian

Categories Art