ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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This painting I created, represents myself being/feeling trapped in my overactive thoughts and unable to find the exit to peace Abbie James

Categories Art

Why does my partner with ADHD have so much trouble with emotional regulation?

Both partners have responsiblities in managning emotional outbursts

Emotional dysregulation is a key feature of adult ADHD and it can strain a relationship. Learning to recognize the source of emotional outbursts can help one become a better partner and allow both partners to work together to improve the relationship.

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The Revelation of A Lateral Mind

The positive difference in my life after receiving a late diagnosis of ADHD at age 35 as a Family Physician has been incredible. Primarily, I have had increased level of self-awareness and self-acceptance. Being able to understand the cause of many of my behavior patterns (time management, task initiation and organization struggles) has helped me … Read more

ADHD Feelings

ADHD drawing

ADHD Feelings It explains everything that goes on in my head and body because of my ADHD Finnley Hardy

Categories Art

Where to start

drawing with woman

Where to start? Make a list. Where did I put my colored pens? That’s a lot of starting points! This is how it looks in my head. I need to get dressed. Dalphine

Categories Art

ADHD ruined my life & saved it

My parents enrolled me in acting classes at 3 as a way of managing my ‘inability to stay still for any length of time.’ I was diagnosed with ADHD at 13; it came as no surprise to my parents. Being a performer on stage has been my mainstay; I have experienced much anguish & turbulence … Read more

ADHD, PhD, & Meds

Growing up, ADHD was still stigmatized so it was treated as a “personality” problem & told things like, “girls don’t have ADHD” & “you can’t have ADHD, you’re smart.” So, like many others, I did my best to blend in & find tricks to keep myself “normal” & survive like tapping my feet & submerging … Read more