ADHD Awareness is Key
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Shine and Surprise!

I harness my potential, using a multi-modal approach, including Lifestyle modification, life-skills training and some Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Lifestyle modifications imply The ‘MEDS-H’ approach, that is, Meditation, Exercise, Diet including supplements, adequate Sleep and Human connection.Important behavioral principles comprise of practicing the pause and working on my listening skills. Honing my communication skills through a … Read more

What are the most common co-occurring diagnoses/conditions in adults?

Having a second condition, or a co-occurring disorder, with ADHD is very common.

Dr. Thomas E. Brown shares how common this is and why it’s necessary to address both ADHD and the co-occurring condition to help the person begin to experience relief. Knowing what co-occurring conditions a person may have helps the clinician to form a more effective treatment plan.

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Jill, mum of 4, nurse, diagnosed ADHD age 35

hi! Jill, mum of 4. diagnosed 3 months ago age 35. Absolutely life changing. I spent 35 years winging it at life, disorganized, unsettled, house full of unfinished projects, money wasted on courses and ideas I couldn’t finish, changing jobs every 2 years (max), avoiding social situations, brain full of bees, masking pretty much every … Read more

53 years ADHD

In kindergarten I was playing with blocks while the rest of the class was paying attention. Did 4th grade elementary school twice so my parents sent me to orthopedagogics Professor Bladergroen to be evaluated. I was diagnosed with ADHD in the seventies when I was 10. During the evaluation I learned to play with Lego. … Read more


Adhd is just a term A description we use Which raises concern Its not who we are Its a label we give Should it determine The way that we live? Should it disable us Or make us feel flawed Or be an excuse To close the door? To make less effort As we have something … Read more


ADHD My 6 year old’s self portrait. Medication bottle in one hand and pill in the other. She was just diagnosed with ADHD and is processing through art. Elyse

Categories Art

Rainbow Tears

Rainbow Tears The quote “The soul would have no rainbow, if the eyes had no tears” is how I feel with living with ADHD. I drew this age 11 before my diagnosis. Kai McDowell

Categories Art


Jaden My ADHD son some times paints and it usually just stripes of colors. This time I made him stop to admire his own art and he came back with MORE! Jaden’s Mom

Categories Art