ADHD Awareness is Key
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Under what circumstances can an ADHD diagnosis be missed?

Why An ADHD Diagnosis Sometimes Comes Later

Not everyone receives ADHD as a diagnosis in child, often because they don’t display the symptoms of the hyperactive presentation. J. Faye Dixon, PhD, says when difficulties arise later, as a young adult or in adulthood, individuals and their medical professionals take a second look and find the underlying ADHD has been the cause of their struggles.

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How can I build a healthy relationship and support my emerging adult who Has ADHD?

It’s common for young adult children to live with their parents…

Even when not living at home, many young adults still need their parents’ support. How can you support your young adult as in healthy and positive ways? Dulce Torres, LPC-S, BCC, ACC, offers some tips for helping families during this stage of life.

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Diagnosed at 40

My mother and I cried when I was diagnosed. Her, because she had punished me my whole life for “not trying”, being hyper, etc. Me, relief; I had tried, wish I could tell all my tutors, teachers of every course tried. I’m 68 now and it’s debilitating. I’m on medication but I still struggle every … Read more

Nobody noticed my ADHD

I remember as a child growing up that I would daydream a lot. I was terribly afraid of math but was above average in reading and writing. I avoided taking algebra and higher level math in high school. Didn’t score very well on the SAT and had to take remedial math in college. Before entering … Read more

Military and ADHD

Living with ADHD in the Military is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. Mostly because they have high standards of excellence and require you to maintain those standards. For the longest time I didn’t know what was wrong with me. Why couldn’t I just do the same things everybody else was doing? … Read more

A post ADHD diagnosis success story

Not discouraged by his diagnosis, a young boy focuses on figuring out how his brain works. He watches his thoughts whiz by and compares his thinking process to a speeding race car with no brakes. He recognizes his brain’s unique assets and enthusiastically describes in great detail some of his ADHD superpowers. Not only open-minded, … Read more