ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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What I do reflects back to others

black and white photo of river in winter

As an adult with ADHD my Photography is an escape I’m always looking for windows into a world I felt I never belonged in. I have ADHD, I went back to school at 40 Studied Art, Photography and Multimedia( 3 Diplomas) as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with Photography…weather, clouds and rain. … Read more

Categories Art

Not a Bad Student After All

I was diagnosed during my very last semester of college. I had struggled tremendously through the previous years with procrastination and completing school work, but I blamed it on my own personal failings. I tried so hard for so long to change and nothing was changing. In my last semester, I finally decided to seek … Read more

Drums saved my ADHD

I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 12 years old and I was off the medication at around 14 years old. Around that age, I started playing drums for my middle school band to get an easy A on a report card. Little did I know, it actually helped me. I’m 28 years old … Read more

Focus Doodles

pencil drawings of faces

This is a compilation of my doodles, drawn to help me focus in meetings and classes. Except for the doodle of my dog Ryder, the people are imaginary. Andy Lang

Categories Art

Red Clovers

flower on log

I took this picture today, wondering in the middle of a field. I felt calm and free and forgot all about my ADHD. Sometimes it’s nice to let go. Sailamaria

Categories Art

Sowing Still 2

Abstract art

Showing myself my emotions. Allows me to sow the seed Now grounds me Allowing me to grow. My ADHD my work is a little manic and beautiful. Aimee Timpson

Categories Art


Image of space

The photo depicts a complex of nebulae in the Orion constellation. Astrophotography is my ADHD hyper-focus driven passion and I love to share it Jan Ossowski

Categories Art

Caged In Class

My work shows the way I feel in the class room setting, defeated, and caged, unable to express myself the way I know I was born too. Let me out!!! Maggie Costello

Categories Art