ADHD Awareness is Key
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Random find in my favorite place, outside.

baseball and pearls in flowers

Random find in my favorite place, outside. I feel random, like I don’t belong. Sometimes I try, sometimes I fly, but sometimes I fall. It’s okay, because I know I am hard. Sarah

Categories Art

Losing My Shame

For so long, I bought into the labels given me – “space-cadet,” “blonde,” “day dreamer,” “inattentive,” and “careless.” I heard the words of my father in my head, “Sherri, remember to engage your brain BEFORE…” If only it were that easy. I continually lost and misplaced things, forgot important dates, and left projects half finished … Read more

Knitting for Attention

When I was younger I had trouble focusing in class. Even if I was interested I just couldn’t pay attention. Everything was too long, and had too much or not enough detail. It became more of a problem in Uni where you had to sit like an adult and not play on your phone. After … Read more

I Am Not Distracted – A Poem

I AM NOT DISTRACTED I’m always getting in troubleThe grownups always shoutThey think it’s me who’s got it wrongOf this they have no doubt Ok , sure, I move a lotBut why is that so wrongI may be hanging upside downBut I’m also following along They like to say they couldn’t hearIf they were staring … Read more

ADHD, but make it pop art

drawing of head with colored dots for hair

ADHD, but make it pop art Initially inspired by phrenology, it turned into the multiple ideas, visions, passions, interests etc that having ADHD presents. Joanie

Categories Art


I am an adult woman who was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 25. My entire life, I felt like I wasn’t doing enough. But when I tried harder in one area in my life, another area would suffer. Finally, my partner (who also has ADHD) suggested I get tested. I was initially reluctant – … Read more

ADHD can be a Tool

When I first got diagnosed with ADHD, I actually thought I was useless to society. Once starting in my current profession, I learned that my ADHD is a useful tool. We do a sort of processing at my job, and the work is very repetitive. Where my ADHD causes me to hyperfocus on tasks that … Read more

The Power of Knowing

I’ve talked to many people who were hesitant about exploring an ADHD diagnosis. They didn’t want the label that comes with it but what they didn’t understand is that when you avoid one label, worse ones take their place. Growing up with undiagnosed ADHD I was labelled as being ‘lazy’, ‘unmotivated’, ‘abnormal’, to name a … Read more