ADHD Awareness is Key
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How effective is medication for treating ADHD?

Medication works best when properly optimized for the individual

Samuele Cortese, MD, PhD discusses types of useful medication available and the importance of clinicians and patients working together to find the “sweet spot” that allows the right medication, at the right dose, to provide the maximum benefit as part of a treatment plan.

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What lifestyle changes can improve family life?

In a couple of words: Sleep and diet

Good sleep practice has an impact on daytime executive function. And nutrition is related to weight gain problems and other physical conditions. So sharing healthy meals can also help parents address some of their children’s symptoms and make family life go a little more smoothly.

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What is the role of self-care in managing ADHD?

Personal habits address symptoms and strengthen treatment approaches

Self-care strategies can play an important role in supporting ADHD treatment and managing symptoms. Samuele Cortese, MD, PhD points to habits such as good sleep hygiene, regular exercise, stress management, ADHD coaching, therapy, and a balanced diet. These can all help a person address ADHD symptoms and strengthen treatment approaches. We are coming to a better understanding of how these self-care strategies are beneficial.

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I’m Alex, and I have an ADHD diagnosis

For me ADHD is a superpower. With the right medication it’s super helpful. It takes away some privileges but did you know I love having an ADHD diagnosis even though it takes those privileges away? It makes me learn so fast that I am in the gifted class on Thursday’s. It also makes me moody … Read more

My Child Has ADHD. Could I Have It, Too?

Symptoms to Look For and Steps to Take

Many parents, and aunts and uncles, will begin to look at their own life’s history when their child has been diagnosed with ADHD. They recognize the symptoms of ADHD have been present in their own lives and may be the cause of some of their experiences and struggles. It’s common for parents and family members to seek their own evaluation when a child is first diagnosed with ADHD. J. Faye Dixon, PhD gives some pointers.

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How to Cope with ADHD

At age 18, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Here is how I cope. First: yoga, deep breathing and stretching. Slowing down my breathing dissipates negativity and I transform into a happy-go-lucky person. The stretching and yoga gives me body space, flexibility and raises dopamine levels. What could be better? Second: address fear and trauma. During … Read more

You Matter

a poem on pink

You Matter The image attached is a short poem I wrote about ADHD, in my experience. Anali Ramirez

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Self-Portrait in Orange

Self portrait

Self-Portrait in Orange The ADHD letters are easy to miss if you’re distracted by cool pose. Sometimes, you only see ADHD symptoms if you know how to look for them. Laurel Cox

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