ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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Hidden ADHD

black and white photo of messy room

Seemingly ordinary girl seeks connection and understanding through daily fear; awareness reveals the vibrant garden that has always been near! Shaheda Khandokar

Categories Art

Oh my days…

mountain and flowers painting not realistic

This is a tale about myself. You might see me in the same classroom, chatting with you or a multitasker—a jack of all trades, creative and talented. You might think I’m smart! But your academic achivements are often much higher than mine, even in the final race in life you are successful than me and … Read more

Adult ADHD and me

One early July night in 2023, I realized something was wrong. “Do I have ADHD?” I searched the internet. The symptoms sounded like me- creativity, hyperfocus, chattiness, blurting things out, working well under deadlines, staying calm under pressure,… I always thought these were my quirks. Over the next few weeks, as I was moving into … Read more

Beautiful Bee Brain

Brain with bees

ADHD often makes me feel like I have bees in my brain, buzzing around with random thoughts and impulses. Johanna Caulfield

Categories Art