ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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All my life I have been driven to prove them wrong…

All my life I have been driven to prove wrong the statements of “doesn’t work to potential”, “makes careless mistakes”, “lacks attention to detail”, made in my early years. All that “drive” combined with hiding, and pretending to have it ” together”; while my brain ran itself in two hundred directions at once resulted in a loss of confidence, depression, and complete loss of desire to bother with any effort. At the same time recognizing my son going through the same struggles I did as he went through school and his first year of college… and FINALLY acknowledging that everyone doesn’t have “noise” in their brain, fighting for attention. We have both been diagnosed and to quote my son, “Math (calculus) makes sense again for the first time since 6th grade!” I have to agree, and I am thrilled to be able to focus and truly “hear” what my family has to say instead of pretending to pay attention to life!

– Anonymous

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