ADHD Awareness is Key
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I have ADHD, I was born with ADHD and I like having ADHD

I have ADHD, I was born with ADHD and I like having ADHD, it’s not a problem, but it was until I got diagnosed

Alison WhiteleyAt the age of 51 I was diagnosed with ADHD and whilst I’m proud of my achievements in life so far I have always struggled with the feeling that something was different about me.
I have felt inferior, inadequate and disorganised my whole life – all feelings that have, at some time been reinforced by others.
I have always lived under the judgement of others and because I care about this judgement it makes me very vulnerable.
I have been constantly told that I am too this, too that, not enough of this and not enough of that.
So, unknowingly, I have masked and hidden my true self from everyone else.
This has served me well in the short-term but not in the longer-term.
It has sabotaged my social skills and I have become a people-pleaser as I have tried to struggle to connect with my own identity.
Getting my diagnosis changed nothing yet it changed absolutely everything because I finally knew that nothing was wrong with me. I just needed to learn more about myself and get a new perspective.

Alison Whiteley