ADHD awareness month: the many faces of adhd
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Your ADHD Art

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Do you have original art to share? Use the form here to submit your image.
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2024 Submissions

  • Hidden ADHD
    Seemingly ordinary girl seeks connection and understanding through daily fear; awareness reveals the vibrant garden that has always been near!

    Shaheda Khandokar

  • Beautiful Bee Brain
    ADHD often makes me feel like I have bees in my brain, buzzing around with random thoughts and impulses.

    Johanna Caulfield

  • White Octopuses Portrait
    Art of all kinds feeds my squirrels and calms them. I’ve been able to make a business out of it! I’m told that’s the Superpower of ADHD 🙂

    Kimberly Ratliff

  • Masking me
    I’m under attack by the world, the real me a skinny traumatised girl crying in emotional agony, trapped in an obese woman. I mask to protect her.

    Ruth Clift

  • Between Space and Time
    I often get asked, “What are you thinking?” During a night of insomnia, I drew my answer to that question on a touch screen.

    Cheryl G

  • adhd awareness is key
    The Importance of ADHD Awareness
    The key decorated with a brain represents how awareness and knowledge unlock insight into how ADHD affects people.


  • All Under Control (sort of)
    This image illustrates how sometimes I wish to hide my ADHD struggles. I tell myself that all is under control even when I don’t really feel like it.

    All under control

  • creative image
    Musings of an ADHDer
    I thought about what it might be like to walk around inside my brain during one of my creative moments and made this using SeaArt AI app on my phone.

    Shayne Swift

  • Waiting on Myself
    Simple tasks can seem hopeless. Here I am in my room that I’ve let spiral out of control. I’ve procrastinated on an article due tomorrow. It’s 5am.

    Lucia Otten

2023 Submissions

  • Norepinephrine And Dopamine Go On Vacation
    It can feel like vacation when we give ourselves a break. A little humor goes a long way.

    Stephanie Wilson

  • The Day Will Come
    Sharing common struggles is an invitation to understand each other better.

    Stephanie Wilson

    she is adhd. she says always hold me with your arms. Teach me everything. I am very safe in this world. always be with me, Mom I love you


  • ADHD Cat
    This is Cat. She has ADHD and she is saying things that people aren’t expecting.

    Naomi LaTour

  • Thought Zephyrs
    A depiction of the little thought streams that the ADHD mind travels on where disconnected concepts converge and flow. The relentlessly busy mind.

    Ilia Chidzey

  • Galaxy Brain
    The ADHD brain is like a galaxy: it swirls and moves constantly and never stops creating a myriad of new and exciting ideas!

    Annabel Louise Walker

2022 Submissions

  • Fun House
    A peek inside my brain at all the colorful weird rabbit holes I fall into daily. My curiosity is a never ending trippy magical madness.

    Denise Ann

  • Sensory Overload
    When info enters my brain, it feels like it gets scrambled. Some of it is amplified. Some minimized. Some lost. Not sure what’s important or not.

    Briana Quinlan

  • My life is a mess
    My life is a mess with a lot going on my mind depression and anxiety and panic attacks and PTSD and ADHD

    Michelle McCormack

  • You Should’ve Feared Me More
    Avatar: The Last Airbender circulates consistently amist silent desire to watch a new show. I’ve feared my ADHD would consume my humanity.

    Sarah St Sauver

  • How do I get someone to listen to me….HEY I’M AN ADULT WITH ADHD
    When I found out that coloring helps me with my ADHD. It helps me to focus, concentrate, wind my brain down, and listen to someone when they talk.


  • What I do reflects back to others.
    As an adult with ADHD my Photography is an escape I’m always looking for windows into a world I felt I never belonged in.


  • purple figure on black backgroud
    Designing and cross stitching my ‘body landscapes’ is how I can hyperfocus on something that brings me joy and that I can use as a creative outlet.

    Kat Kockler

  • pencil drawings of faces
    Focus Doodles
    This is a compilation of my doodles, drawn to help me focus in meetings and classes. Except for the doodle of my dog Ryder, the people are imaginary.

    Andy Lang

  • Red clovers
    I took this picture today, wondering in the middle of a field. I felt calm and free and forgot all about my ADHD. Sometimes it’s nice to let go.


  • Sowing Still 2
    Showing myself my emotions.
    Allows me to sow the seed
    Now grounds me
    Allowing me to grow.
    My ADHD my work is a little manic and beautiful.

    Aimee Timpson

  • IC434
    The photo depicts a complex of nebulae in the Orion constellation.
    Astrophotography is my ADHD hyper-focus driven passion and I love to share it

    Jan Ossowski

  • Caged In Class
    My work shows the way I feel in the class room setting, defeated, and caged, unable to express myself the way I know I was born too. Let me out!!!

    Maggie Costello

  • Dichotomy of ADHD
    I wanted to show both sides of ADHD positive and negative. A single person could be experiencing both at any given moment.

    Braden Young

  • Adhd:
    It’s very adhd and me

    I love have having adhd but my picture represents the brain looking thing [Read more]

    Issac Blackwell

  • Alison’s Room
    My installation is the realisation have ADHD. My ex wrote a song “Alison’s Room.” Which is played on repeat. Im claiming my room.

    Jane Rees

  • Trapped
    This painting I created, represents myself being/feeling trapped in my overactive thoughts and unable to find the exit to peace

    Abbie james

  • ADHD Feelings
    It explains everything that goes on in my head and body because of my ADHD

    Finnley Hardy

  • Where to start
    Where to start? Make a list. Where did I put my colored pens? That’s a lot of starting points! This is how it looks in my head. I need to get dressed.


  • The Stance
    This stance is my beautiful daughter’s way of holding in all the chaos in her brain so she can keep her impulses at bay.

    Angela Cooper

  • Tupac on math homework
    Instead of taking ADHD medications, my teachers allowed me to doodle. This is one of my mom’s favorite pictures that she found on my math homework.

    JP Roppolo

  • Digital Face
    This represents how it feels being a woman with hyperactive and “unusual” tendencies from ADHD. I’ve really had to work hard to like myself again


  • You Matter
    The image attached is a short poem I wrote about ADHD, in my experience.

    Anali Ramirez

  • self portrait with ADHD
    Self-Portrait in Orange
    The ADHD letters are easy to miss if you’re distracted by cool pose. Sometimes, you only see ADHD symptoms if you know how to look for them.

    Laurel Cox

  • ADHD, but make it pop art
    Initially inspired by phrenology, it turned into the multiple ideas, visions, passions, interests etc that having ADHD presents.


  • ADHD
    My 6 year old’s self portrait. Medication bottle in one hand and pill in the other. She was just diagnosed with adhd and is processing through art.


  • My OC Distractaria
    This is my OC Distractaria
    I made it based on my adhd!
    She has the power to distract anyone, and we’ll she distracts people she is also distract

    Edie Young

  • Jaden
    My ADHD son some times paints and it usually just stripes of colors. This time I made him stop to admire his own art and he came back with MORE!

    Jaden’s Mom

  • Rainbow Tears
    The quote “The soul would have no rainbow, if the eyes had no tears” is how I feel with living with ADHD. I drew this age 11 before my diagnosis.

    Kai McDowell

  • Positive Imagination by AdrianPositive fun
    Positive imagination! Health and safety. Mind never stops.


  • Drift, a #PsycheGremlin
    Drift is the gremlin with a whirlwind attention span… One of my self-care cartoons that, since my recent diagnosis, makes much more sense to me!

    Jamie Ovens

  • Indecisive Feelings
    Tangled up by all the thoughts spinning in your head. It’s like fighting with yourself, you can’t decide because you want it to be both ways.

    Dana House

  • Blaire Postman: Struggling Chartist
    Blaire Postman: Struggling Chartist
    It’s a picture used for my solo comedic ADHD show meant to encapsulate both the great abilities ADHDers have, and some of the challenges we manage.

    Blaire Postman

  • Minority
    My experience of coming to terms with my ADHD during lockdown. watercolour on paper, A3.

    carrie ravenscroft

Previous Submissions

  • My inner strength by Meadow McNulty
    My Inner Strength
    I took this photo of myself practicing ballet. I chose this image because I look sad which shows my struggles, but I am also strong and creative too.

    Meadow McNulty

  • Inside My Head by Bo BerenshteynInside My Head
    In this image I try to visualize what’s going on in my head by capturing my creativity while also representing the feeling of alienation.

    Bo Berenshteyn

  • Pink Unicorn by Eric BrazosPink UnicornThis is an acrylic painting I made for my daughter this summer 2020. I am diagnosed with ADHD, MDD and GAD.

    Eric Brazos

  • Candle in the Wind by Danielle HCandle in the Wind
    My ADHD means that I hyperfocused on this digital painting for 24-26 hours (give or take); because that’s the only way I could make sure I finished.

    Danielle H

  • Heart and Brain of ADHD by GabrielThe Heart and Brain of ADHDHi, my name is Gabriel and I am an 8 year old with ADHD. My picture that I drew is my heart and brain with ADHD.


  • Self portrait by Hakumy ADHD brain
    My brain is very special because I am also gifted, in my way.


  • Music by Olly BishopMusic
    I love doodling and I made this for a Noel Fielding art challenge in lockdown.

    Olly Bishop

  • Tall Green Tree by Aiden StreetThe Tall Green Tree
    I am four years old. This story is about the seasons changing and my learning how to control myself being bored. So I attempted to draw and color.

    Aiden Street

  • My ADHD Senses by Erica Josefine Francker

    My ADHD senses
    I’m trying to illustrate how my ADHD feels for me and what I imagine it looks like. I often find it easier to communicate my feelings through art.

    Erica Josefine Francker

  • ADHD Awareness by Sarah Dugan

    My minds a mess, squirrel moments often, always in the clouds, and full of crazy ideals. My awareness.

    Sarah Dugan

  • Too many tabs open by Petra RekmanToo many tabs open
    my ADHD brain often had to many tabs open!

    Petra Rekman

  • I am 5 by Mel HartsornI am 5
    This artwork is a portrait of my son aged 5 when we were going through diagnosis and the drama we dealt with at pre-school then starting school.

    Mel Hartsorn

  • Vista by Emily ChenVista
    My world is intensely colorful and ever-changing. Sometimes the chaos ignites a spark, which grows into a flame and brings some light into this world.

    Emily Chen

  • Lost in ChaosLost in Chaos
    I have had ADHD my whole life. Not Diagnosed Till age 25. I am now 45 this drawing was when I medicated I am now back on Dexamphetamine

    Kirsten Armstrong

  • Try differentTry Different
    I would fail to manage my symptoms – regardless of “how hard I tried”. New approaches and self awareness have made a HUGE difference for me.

    Bobby Eismann

  • ADHD Awareness Month Cookies
    ADHD Awareness Month Cookies
    My husband got diagnosed with ADHD three weeks ago. I found out October is ADHD awareness month and wanted him to know that I support him!


  • Beyond the Fog
    Beyond the Fog
    To go beyond the fog of one’s own mind into clarity is a rare occurrence, but once there, the beauty found is nothing short of remarkable.


  • Doodle Dance art by Pip Ralph
    Dancing Doodle
    A piece I made while in a state of flow, or hyper-focus, capturing my essence of mind during a hyperactive spell.

    Pip Ralph

  • Think outside the box
    Think Outside the Box
    When measured up to Neurotypical standards, the beauty that exists outside the box for many with ADHD can sometimes be missed and underappreciated.

    Diana Moquin

  • reVeriEreVeriE
    When you can’t pick a color or a subject… paint anyway


  • To DOs for ADHD
    To Do
    I try to put my life into words… An empty attempt to organize my thoughts and daily Todos.
    This is that

    Michelle A Passey

  • Pen doodle in watercolor tray
    Pen doodle in a watercolor tray
    I made this at school because bored, mild vandalism. It symbolizes the overwhelming responsibilities of life clouding around me while I’m tranquil.


  • Embrace your gifts!!
    I have lived with ADHD my whole life. It has presented some challenges, but I made it through. Love and embrace the gifts that ADHD has given you!!
  • Looking Up
    Looking up
    This is an acrylic painting of mine. Painting is something I discovered as an adult. I never knew I could do it. Its the greatest escape I know of.


  • My escaping thoughts
    My Escaping thoughts
    I made this collage trying to represent how I always feel like my thoughts are escaping of my head, also feeling súper héroe with my diagnosis.

    Evelyn Cohen

  • dancing thru adhd
    Dancing through ADHD
    This photo is about persistence, strength and becoming confidant with myself, regardless of any obstacles I have with ADHD.

    Gianna @gia5678_dancer

  • adhd awareness brain
    The Struggle is Real
    I created this awareness logo in an attempt to showcase a little bit of what having ADHD feels like.


  • Beauty of the Deep
    Hi painting and drawing are the things that I love to do and I express myself through art. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 5 years and 7 mos.

    Ram Antonio Rubinos

  • One of my many ADHD super powers
    My adhd gives me spiderman powers.

    JPs super powers

  • ADHD is a gift!!
    It took a while to understand that my adhd was a gift. We have great qualities like creativity & enthusiasm. ADHD is a gift that makes us special.


  • ADHTree
    My trees grew out of high school boredom and blossomed into art, one tiny dot at a time. Harnessing my extra energy, I created something beautiful.

    Beth Prieto

  • Please get to know the difference
    Please get to know the difference between neurological driven behaviour and naughty behaviour.

    Lou Brown

  • Head In The Clouds
    I took this virtual portrait in Second Life and edited it in Photoshop. I wanted to express the brain fog I feel with ADHD. Signed with my Avatar name

    Maddie Diker

  • Flow, Meditate, Find Inner Peace
    This is a form of meditative practice that I and my clients explore in our sessions on well-being


    ADHD and Me
    This photo was a way of displaying ADHD and how my mind works. Made with Lego.

    Petra Leary

  • Beautifully Broken with Painful Purpose

    Tina Y Washington

  • ADHD and other “Gifts”
    This is a relief carving out of Linoleum. Then, I make a limited number of hand printed copies. I am a printmaker and I have ADHD.

    Nadiyah Najah Rodgers

  • Katie’s Kaleidoscope Tinted World
    My image hopefully portrays my ADHD busy brain. This is a reflection of how many thoughts my head is full of and how hard it is to pick one out to concrete one on at a time.


  • Working with what I was given.
    I am a nurse with ADHD. Bed side nursing didn’t work for my brain. I still had a passion to help others so I built this float using PILL BOTTLES. Work with what you were given

    Dawn Mango

  • The human brain “my brain mom”
    This is a picture my 10yr old daughter drew over the weekend. She handed it to me and said “Mom, this is how my brain works”! She has an absolutely beautiful mind!


  • ADHD Is my StrengthThroughout my life I have viewed ADHD as my strength in life. So I got the awareness ribbon on my bicep to symbolize that.

    Zak Zippert

  • A glimpse inside
    Ive been dealing with ADHD for my entire life. Many people dont understand it or make light of it. This is “A Glimpse inside my mind”. Chaos, frustration & Beauty


  • The experience of ADHD in the classroom
    What the student hears from well-meaning educators and parents, what the student manages internally, all while sitting in math class. ADHD is not a problem of intelligence.

    Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ADHD-CCSP

  • Hyper-Focus
    This snapshot was taken at my client’s office. Just when he went to washroom, i found myself bored. While looking around I observed this & I grabbed the opportunity to click

    Mp Mitra

  • ADHD Is my Strength
    Developed for my Facebook page – An empath living with ADD, OCD, CPTSD, and… Look! A kitty!
