ADHD Awareness is Key
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Mid-Twenties, A Woman and Undiagnosed (And Yes, It’s Hard)

I’ve felt that I’m on the spectrum for a few years now, and growing up, I’ve always felt out of place, strange, slow, rejected or easily forgotten. Making friends always felt like rocket science, & social situations at work & school require hours of mental preparation & even more hours of recovery.

One of the therapists I’ve spoken with had me screened for ADHD & confirmed that its a likely reality for me. I’m currently trying to get properly diagnosed by a specialist but financially, it will take a lot of time & planning given it’s not covered under my insurance plan.

In the meantime, I’ve been learning more about ADHD, and how to love the little girl & young woman under 2+ decades of masking. I’m learning to forgive myself for all those years of people-pleasing, self-sabotage, self-blame & self-hate. Needless to say, its been EXTREMELY HARD, but also very freeing. I hope to get diagnosed sooner rather than later, but until then, I’ll continue to love myself -ADHD and all!
